Dave J.

Her: Love that place! Sounds good (8:39 PM)

About as competitive as this:

To be fair, 99.999999999% of actors would have been a letdown after Richard Harris.

Seriously though, can you imagine how terrible Trump must be in bed? The gap between how good he thinks he is and how good he actually is must be spectacularly massive.

I was thinking the same thing. A lot more of her friends are going to start no-showing at the ol’ Schilling house.

Well, good on your parents for shutting that shit down. I have no idea why older men feel the need to remark on the future attractiveness of younger girls, it is creepy as fuck. The unspoken thought is: “I know I’m not supposed to want to fuck her now, but believe me, I’ll want to when she’s legal.” The statement is

Yes, exactly. So, my wife was really, really attractive in high school. (I can say this, because we went to high school together, same grade and everything.) And, my daughter at age 10 looks exactly like my wife did at age 10. So people can say “oh man, you’ll have your hands full when she’s 16" or whatever, and ha

My basic view is that adults should not go out of their way to sexualize kids, period, male or female. I’m not one of these dads who freaks out at the idea of his daughter (or son) someday having sex. I hope they both have fun and safe sex lives with people who treat them well. But at the same time I want to ensure

“Schilling starts out by proclaiming that it’s totally normal for adults to remark on the physical appearance of their friends’ kids”

Honestly this story has forever quashed my dream of someday eating at Peter Lugers.

It’s because he spends all his time at home now, watching Fox News, and doesn’t encounter anyone with new ideas. Believe me, there are thousands upon thousands of people with the exact same story as yours. Josh Marshall at Talking Points Memo ran a series several years ago that was nothing but emails from readers

Consent is not *given* by a prior relationship, but a prior relationship can absolutely influence how a party to the case interprets consent. That’s totally legitimate. If you have a longstanding understanding with someone that a 1am text means that he or she wants sex, then it’s legitimate to say that you interpreted

Honestly it’s better for the Cowboys AND Romo’s career if he sits for the remainder of the year, because if he comes back and isn’t very good, (a) they won’t get nearly as much if they try to trade him next year, and (b) his ego will take a hit if he sucks and gets benched.

There are two areas where the plaintiff is going to run into trouble in this case: First, issues of consent become problematic when both parties have a long-standing and pre-existing sexual relationship, because then you can really get into the weeds on what constitutes implied consent and stuff like that. Second, if

They’re STILL doing it. What do you call it when, the morning after the debate, they write articles like “Trump, Clinton leave voters shaking heads after disgraceful debate performance?” (I made that up, but you get the idea.) This adherence to false equivalence still governs the way that reporters cover the campaign.

It was a shame, quite frankly, the media went so hard after me when they heard what I said to Billy Bush 11 years ago. And by the way that episode of Access Hollywood had their best ratings ever, far better than anything that was on that night. And people tell me all the time that I’d be a much better host than Mario

I just noticed how Melania looks away the second Tiffany does her evasive maneuver, as though she has trained herself to not see Donald’s creepy shit with his daughters.

“I bet she’s got a great pussy” = “locker room talk”

An ocean 124 miles deep? Man, there’s some funky shit at the deepest part of OUR 6 miles-deep-at-the-most ocean, imagine what kind of insane fuckery exists 124 mi. down??

Most economic “growth” connected to new sports venues simply cannibalizes spending from other areas of a city. That’s why the studies commissioned by the teams/owners always study particular *parts* of a city, not the city itself. Well, no shit, the areas immediately around the new arena do pretty well! But that’s not