Dave J.

And quite frankly, Mike has said a lot of things about the Bolivians. Fade to Bolivian, he said, which I heard about from a number of people. I thought it was a tremendous shame the way the media went after him for that, because the truth is that this is the situation with Bolivia right now. I had some investors from

Question, because I don’t know much about “the cyber.” Could the feds require that Samsung remotely brick all Note 7s past a certain date, to prevent people from using them in hazardous situations? (In a plane, for example.) Could that order be made, and could it be implemented?

To: Yahoo, NSA
From: Dave J.
Re: My emails
For the record, I can confirm that all references, in my emails and other forms of communication, to “the package” which will be “delivered” “home” to Mrs. Dave J were in fact direct and in many cases explicit references to my penis (“the package”) which I hoped to introduce via

I presume that they pay a company for protection, so seems like for an overseas trip you could just arrange to have 3x your normal staff or something? Who knows. My guess is that the pay is not *great* (certainly not 7 figures) but the real payoff is that you get photographed for years being the hired protection for

I find it amusing that the Kardashians apparently employ the same thinking about costs that major corporations and organizations do. Spend all the money in the world on equipment (or fancy jewelry in this case) but hire another FTE? ZOMG WTF?1?!!?!?!? My organization will buy new computers, office desks, hire

IDK like maybe hire 2 bodyguards or something?

“ULA cooperated with the Air Force’s 45th Space Wing, and nothing associated with the SpaceX accident was found.”

“High rate of speed = 10MPH?”

“Thanks, Obama”

Or guess the name of a more famous teammate/singer/movie star. I’ve seen that done, and it is the deepest form of burn you can give an over-entitled celebrity.

Presumably the cops simply told him that they wouldn’t let him take the car unless they witnessed him paying for it.

Nah, the font is a giveaway that it is from that Fake Trump Tweets website.

It was GW’s “ahhhh” facial expression that sold the hug as a moving moment far more than Michelle’s “eh, ok” hug. If anyone was playing to the cameras and trying to sponge off of the affection people have for a much better person, it was W.


“Will Donald Trump’s performance tonight allow white people to keep pretending he can possibly be president?”

So then the rule should be clarified to explain exactly what sort of uses of electronics in the restroom are prohibited, and then prohibit those things specifically. Don’t want some perv in there trying to film pee-pee’s and wee-wee’s? Ok, so write that into the law. But if you are concerned about pervs with cameras

Incredibly well said, on such a sad day.

Baseball is full of old crusty “play the game the RIGHT way or we’ll bean you tomorrow” relics like Kurt Gibson, guys who freak out if anyone flips a bat or raises their arms or does anything the slightest bit joyous. Jose was one of the good ones, one of the guys whose love for the game made me optimistic for