Dave J.

And they are probably understaffed on cops as well--after all, the only reason these guys were caught is that an off duty cop happened to see them nearly hit a school bus.

The thing this article curiously leaves out: the dude driving came feet from hitting a school bus as it was unloading kids at the end of the school day. The cop who took the photo above was off duty, but saw the guy nearly obliterate a whole group of kids trying to cross the street.

Public shaming is ok for me, yep. I mean, these two shot up with a kid in the car, and the dude driving very nearly hit a school bus as it was unloading kids, because he had just shot up. So, yeah...not really feeling bad about sending some shame their way.

% of those kids under 18 who are paying for their phone, line, and data? Judging from my friends’ kids, the answer is 0%. And yet weirdly enough, everything is marketed to them as though they have purchasing power.

“And no, mandating affordable housing or projects is NOT the answer. NYC gets hundreds of applications for every single unit,”

One major political problem is that many suburbs to major cities are disincentivized to restructure their code to prevent sprawl, primarily because they love the tax $$$ represented by new developments catering to commuters to [city]. Their political leadership also tends to be (this is more anecdotal for me, but I

I make all my cash by selling meth to strippers, thank you very much. You elite can take your fancy ATMs for all I care.

“something called Sean Mannion”

It’s adorable how people still react as though they were living in a time when gas stations had mechanics on site.

Ok, I’ll bite. What’s the phone equivalent to “people pressed on the gas but thought they were pressing on the brake?”

Lucas also needlessly cluttered up a lot of shots with extraneous detail...I mean, look what he did to the edited versions of Eps 4-6, adding stuff that added no value whatsoever to the actual scene. So, yes, bad technology but also a near-obsession with cramming as much stuff as possible into the shot.

Because every school district in the country is wrestling with short-term financial problems that overwhelm the time and energy needed to do serious long-range planning and thinking.

They ALL sound like old porno actors. “Tad Dickman?” “Cord Beemer?” “Carson Tinker?”

When was the last time they had to send for an ambulance when a dude tore a knee ligament? That’s a weird bit of info, sort of concerning.

“Kardashev Type II civilization”

Meh. Call me back when we’re communicating with a Kardashian Type I civilization.

Now playing

Counterpoint provided by Bill Nighy, who was literally the only worthwhile part of “Love Actually.”

I think that’s only true if ALL other cars are self-driving, because then they’ll all be flying by the same rules.

Something about the mountain of money, hookers, and coke awaiting him if he can pull it off.