Dave J.

And let us not forget:

Apples and oranges. Flying at 38000 feet allows quite a big margin of error, and you can spot problems (mostly weather) literally hundreds of miles away. The altitude, speed, and heading are, for the most part, constant. Contrast that to driving someone across town—you are making far more changes to your route, you

I’m taking down my poster of [MLB player’s star teammate]. All my illusions have been shattered like so many pieces of [MLB player]’s career.

I think it sounds like an anxiety inducing nightmare. “Just sit there, and do nothing at all that will make you feel like you’re driving, but maintain total awareness of road conditions and other motorists and be prepared to intervene at literally any moment.”

Keep in mind, he’s worth pretty much nothing right now. So $2 million is actually a shit ton of money to him. Even if he signs his deal which has like $30m guaranteed, that’s still 1/15th of his total net worth. The Chargers meanwhile are worth...what, $1 billion? So that’s 1/500th of the team’s net worth?

A much later 1st round pick, if that. Mostly because jackass GMs would all collude and go running to the press with lots of “concerns about whether he’s a team player after his stunt last year,” all hoping to pick up a 1st round DE talent for 2-3 round money.

Most play by play guys use it as shorthand for “coincidental in some strange way.” As in “and isn’t it ironic that the batter he is facing today was his father’s college roommate just 32 years ago at Florida State. And here’s the 2-1 pitch...”

The fact that they are willing to let him miss valuable camp time in order to save themselves...what, $2 million????, shows that they are not focused on the well-being of their players. It’s almost like he had suspicions about them and baited them into revealing their true colors. Which, in true San Diego Chargers

TOTALLY. My wife and I watch and play the “if this was an American show, they would...” multiple times per episode. Fake drama, grudges between contestants, etc. None of that crap. So refreshing

Ok, that’s an answer I would support. On a practical level, though, you would quickly run into the slippery slope problem, where someone who has a legitimate reason for not reading something (rape survivor not wanting to read a text where violent rape figures into the plot) will ask why they have to suffer a lower

The same academics decrying “trigger warnings” are the ones who have chuckled and gone with the “oh, those GUYS” excuses for their (male) colleagues who have spent decades harassing the 19-20 year old women in their classes. Unfortunately their intellectual distaste for trigger warnings, which I happen to share, turns

Ok, but if you’re teaching a class and you have student whose participation (and subsequent tests based on that participation) is necessary to determine their grade, what do you do for the student who asks (demands, more accurately) to miss entire sections of the class, or entire segments of the syllabus, because it

Absolutely. The entire thrust of your argument is well considered, and logical. BUT WE ARE TALKING ABOUT RYAN LOCHTE.

Right, because nobody who was dating one of the hottest women of all time has ever messed around with a hooker.

Lochte told his mom, who told the media.

Hookers. It has to be hookers.

It’s not sci-fi, a superhero movie, or a blockbuster, but I was surprised by how much I really liked The Nice Guys.

Sometimes the government program (that is, what it accomplishes with the money it spends) itself is the point—not everything is a profit-making venture. If you want to argue otherwise, I can point you to a $598 billion government program that HAS YET TO BREAK EVEN.

It’s possible he might have invented the story of the robbery to cover up the real story behind losing his wallet.

I’m wiping a tear from my eye, realizing that unless it’s in an old timers game, we’ve forever lost hope of getting the Papelbon vs. Pierzynski brawl we’ve waited our whole lives to see.