Dave J.

Don’t forget ostentatiously wearing jerseys of obscure pre-championship players, as though somehow being on a losing team makes you a “real” [insert team here]. “OH, YOU LITTLE BITCHES HAVEN’T EVEN *HEARD* OF JEROME WALTON, HAVE YOU???”

He also pouted to the media when he wasn’t getting his 20-10 every night. I have no window into his soul, but I think the dude is petty, and a bad teammate. Remember his near-constant conflict with Roy over who was the team’s actual leader? Well, Brandon left, and the team went into the tank. Then as soon as Lillard

I guess my point was that they get so used to shitting on each other (and, c’mon, they DO shit on each other it’s almost a point of pride for many) that they don’t check their egos at the door when a paper calls them up to ask about some 15 year old’s theory. Some of them knew what to say (the polite “I hope he

The other thing of course is that any field that has a popular movie featuring a character in that field is going to get all bent out of shape whenever that field is subsequently discussed in popular culture. So archaeologists after “Raiders of the Lost Ark,” paleontologists after “Jurassic Park,” etc. I think they

To be fair, there’s also heaping helpings of sexual harassment at those conferences as well.

Anyone who has spent any time around lifelong academics will tell you that these responses are completely par for the course. Hell, academics shit on their PEERS who are equally well trained, educated, etc., and pretty much resent ANYONE in their field who dares talk to the press or makes any kind of splashy

Kate Beaton will rise to the occasion with a cutting and incisive cartoon about this.

Kash? Ryker? Jakin?

More like BetaFAIL, amirite?

Horse jawbone, for sure.

None of these movies are fun and I’m sick of them.


It’s not the weed, it’s that the kids *know* that the league has silly rules about weed, and they are still not smart enough to avoid it. If my employer has a rule that says anyone ever seen wearing orange is immediately fired, then, yeah, it’s a terrible rule, but I’m the idiot if I walk around posting videos of

“No suspicious activity on this social media page!”

Dennis Hastert still free to visit and use the mens restroom, however.

And for those (like me) who don’t know this stuff automatically because the metric system is communist and wants to kill America and force us to join ISIS, there are 450g in a pound.

“Stufflebeem, who would work his way up to Rear Admiral in the following years”

That’s exactly right. And the same thing is true about so many things. Grief, for example. I love it when people assess how someone they don’t know is handling personal loss/trauma. “She doesn’t LOOK like someone who just lost a child.” Well how the fuck do YOU know what she’s thinking or feeling? Most of us are

I often wonder what people who don’t know me would conclude about my marriage if every little thing my wife and I did was printed in tabloids and online. “Dave J. and Mrs. Dave J. seemed REALLY ANNOYED with each other while eating pizza with their kids!” “Dave J. and Mrs. Dave J. left their house AND GOT INTO SEPARATE