Dave J.

I can imagine him reading 1 paragraph deep, making a wanking motion with his hand, and pitching the whole thing in the trash. I don’t see Popp reading 13 pages of this shit.

Poor analogy, because the basketball player can’t hire someone else to help him, say, hit 3's, whereas a GM can definitely hire someone else to run the talent evaluation part of the team.

I knew most of the guys he acquired, but primarily as “touted draft picks who never panned out.” So, I wasn’t too optimistic. Harkless being the classic example. But Neil knows his stuff, and you’re right that the team is much more fun to watch now, vs last year when it was basically get the ball to LMA and see what

As a Portland fan, I was actually looking forward to this season, not because I thought the team would contend for anything other than a top 3 lottery pick, but because I was so glad to see them moving beyond their identity last year, which was basically Lillard + Aldridge scoring about 55-60 points per game and then

The question I have is what happens when the inevitable conflict, most likely arising over one person being a complete clod and not treating a/the common area with respect, arises? In college you go talk to your RA, and he or she organizes a floor meeting and lays down the law based on a pre-existing set of rules, and

“Sounds like a great pick!”—Gregg Easterbrook

The most likely scenario is that he’s the starting QB until the Browns take Jared Goff #2 overall, and then it’s “well, RG3 will most likely be the starter, but we’ll have to see how things shake out in the pre-season,” and then neither QB plays lights out but RG3 is maybe a bit better plus Goff is a rookie, so RG3

Whenever I see that video (and others like it) I wonder if the people around him had any sense that they were literally watching an all time great meme happen right before their eyes.

Goddam, dude, her JOB was to get info from the coaches that she could use for her stories. He was her only source. If she got all “excuse me, but I am a decent woman, and resent your tone, sir!” with him, he would have shut her down, which he eventually did for much less. She was in no position to be blunt with him,

Ok, I’ll amend that to “one of the biggest jerks of his generation” if it makes you feel better.

“One of the best and most welcome developments of the 2016 baseball season is Barry Bonds returning to the major leagues as a hitting coach with the Miami Marlins.”

I still have not gotten over my shock/dismay that they just straight up gave out her room number. Beyond the fact that she’s a celebrity (which they presumably knew about?), she’s a single woman traveling by herself, and they just tell some random dude what room she’s in *and* let him book next to her? Crazy.

I will grant a SLIGHT exemption to tape delay Olympics, but that’s it. Nothing worse than the friend who shows up at a party the night of a big game and loudly proclaims that he had to tape the game earlier, SO NOBODY TALK ABOUT IT, K?

I love that someone could be misquoted by TV Guide. Then again, why am I surprised, since the lamestream media loves to misquote people to fit their radical, left-wing agenda.

Not to the mention the subtle-but-smooth “in my hometown” line, which will make Ben remember all the dumbshits from her hometown that she said “bless their heart” about, and he’ll realize, damn, I’m one of them.

What, really rich? I’ll go with “proud.”

Ye gods, why pay the money for that clip and then run it in slow motion???

Along the coast? That land is either going to be impassable due to hills, insanely overpriced and/or overbuilt, or otherwise impossible to access.

“We are launching an internal peer review on the process and sequence of events that led up to our publication of this story as well as systemic and organizational factors ranging from how our team is resourced to our efforts to build a more diverse and inclusive culture.”

I think it is that the FBI has actually demanded that they create the new OS and then hand it over to the feds. Or that they build the new OS, stick it on the phone, and then give the phone to the feds. There is no scenario the FBI has pitched that would not make you think that they are going to use the revised iOS to