Dave J.

Yeah, but, come on, they were operating from a position of strength in that negotiation, no? The guy had so many charges he was facing, any of which could have sent him away for more than 9. Instead the deal he accepted seems like it was offered from a position of weakness.

What is the logic, from a prosecutor’s standpoint, of allowing him to serve the sentences concurrently?

I think that part of this is the fact that a large % of transit users are elderly, and are likely to be inconvenienced by stops spaced farther apart. I mean, I agree with you—it’s really frustrating to get on a bus (or be caught behind one in heavy traffic!) and then it stops every three blocks or so. But, I would bet

Are people who criticize it accused of S.L.U.T. shaming?

Exactly. Would make good sense for StubHub to contract with certain companies and bundle the delivery charge with the ticket prices.

Probably good news for NYC’s bike messenger community, however. I imagine that Stub Hub prices plus whatever fee the bike messenger charges will be far less than Ticketmaster’s prices.

Apart from crashing, which most people think won’t happen to them, there is no disincentive for people who text. None. I drive 100 miles to my organization’s main office twice each week, and for most of the time, on the highway, LITERALLY (not figuratively, but literally) everyone is texting. It’s crazy. There needs

Sorry, I hate to be that guy, but it’s *paring* down.

It’s often an overcorrection brought about by distracted driving...someone’s car starts to veer right and they don’t notice, then yank the wheel to the left and lose control, crossing over into oncoming traffic.

Ah ha. That’s a really interesting twist, thanks.

“The indictment also said Tucker’s businesses failed to obtain licenses to operate in any of the states where licenses for that sort of thing are required.”

This Venture Capitalist Has Discovered How to Disrupt A Major Corporation’s Board of Directors! #3 Will Blow Your Mind!

I’d love to see one of these races in a fully outfitted IKEA store.

First of all, I’m very sorry for all you went through. I think the reason they’re not helping you, quite honestly, is because they’ve concluded that you probably won’t sue them, as your rapist isn’t/wasn’t a Baylor student, and so their liability isn’t very clear. That’s why their only check up on you was to assess

Well, if you’re talking about the fact that they didn’t lose circadian rhythms, it could simply be that there was no competitive advantage gained by flies that might have had a mutation that eliminated the rhythms, and so that mutation wasn’t propagated with enough frequency to make it endure in future generations.

“Manziel smashed Crowley’s phone on the tile, so she grabbed her computer to try and FaceTime her parents.”

Or being judged too disruptive on a team that signed Greg Hardy?

Let me guess, you’re the guy who goes to sci fi movies and then loudly points out every minor mistake dealing with physics, astronomy, etc.? “To be fair, the ship wouldn’t exactly make that kind of a noise, especially if the engines are, as they claim...”

I’m really surprised that anyone who just straight up sends a dick pic is doing it from some account where it’s easy to trace the identity of their spouse, gf, etc. I’m not trying to condone the bad behavior of sending dick pics (which is bad in and of itself) to someone while you’re married or dating, but, man,

I would compare it to the way that many teachers contact parents of kids who are behaving badly, only to have those parents immediately turn around and accuse the teacher of being terrible, holding a grudge, etc. Very few people react well to having a loved one’s bad behavior pointed out by a relative stranger. (I