Dave J.

The problem is that Hillary Clinton is truly a national political figure, regardless of what you think about her actual politics, and these guys are pretty small scale reps from conservative districts who have not had to actually engage opponents for quite some time. The GOP has gerrymandered itself a shit ton of

Another year, another opportunity lost for them to get Fred Willard and Jane Lynch to co-host and slay everyone will ad lib greatness.

58% of statistics are made up on the spot.

A village of teddy bears takes down an imperial war machine? Sounds like a legend. THE CUTEST LEGEND EVER.

Right, because California has never before elected a famous person with little-to-no political experience as its governor.

“this politician with obvious ties to this industry helped secure hundreds of millions of dollars for billionaires for a project that’s been shown over and over again not to benefit the public in the least.”

And as a high profile mayor for a major California city, a mayor with big name recognition all over the state, he is (or was) a likely future nominee for governor, which means that he would eventually be positioned to direct a shit ton of money their way through state policy involving charter schools. They’re not

I also have a NSA spy cam blocker. Unlike Rand Paul’s, mine won’t cost you $15, and does not have the name of a jackass printed on it.

I would imagine his lawyer is giving him the same advice. I mean, goddam, you are the brothel owner where a high visibility client (with known addiction issues) OD’d and may die, possibly in part due to supplements he bought at your place. It’s pretty much guaranteed that a massive lawsuit is coming your way, probably

Right, plus then it was immediately co-opted by people as if it was an AIDS ribbon or some other sign you use to signal your solidarity. If the whole point is that you use it as a sign to tell someone that you are a DV victim and you need help, then it really does not help when tons of people are doing the exact same

D) a baseball slugger-cum-philosopher, trenchantly arguing that our chief tool to mock the outrageous acts of others is, ironically, the same tool used by those we mock to generate our outrage, thus suggesting that our outrage is not directed at others, but at our primal selves.

Man, that seagull knew what the hell was up. He was on his way to snack on that blood and guts about .5 seconds after the first hit.

“ When Fixed pointed out that it was legal to do so, the agency simply shut off their fax.”

The comma is your friend, friend.

The thing people get wrong is assuming that their grieving friends don’t want to talk about their loved one. Don’t hide from them. Just tell them you’d love to see them for coffee and follow through with it. Their pain will be raw and real, but I guarantee you that years later they will remember that you were there

One thing to avoid is to make false gestures and promises. “I’d love to buy you dinner sometime,” or “let’s go get coffee sometime and talk.” Instead, try something specific and defined: “can I bring you guys dinner next week?” Or “Are you free this week for coffee?” When my wife’s dad died, a ton of her friends made

The only argument here is whether “all” would be more accurate.

Doing it via kickstarter helps keep a convenient lid on the fact that most Republicans in Congress are racists jackasses who would lose their shit if we officially proposed to house anybody, and would defeat any legislation that proposed otherwise.

There had better fucking be an Elizabeth Warren cameo in here.

I’m sure the new stadium has larger and more plentiful luxury suites (which I’m also sure they project at 100% occupancy), may feature personal seat licenses (sure to go over well in St. Louis), and will charge more per seat. What I wonder about is what kind of revenue guarantees they’ve baked into the contract. I’m