Dave J.

Another would be to videotape all cabs (and bunk areas) during training periods. It’s really not hard to come up with 10-20 ideas that would significant reduce, if not eliminate this.

$50 says that dude is voting for Donald Trump, on account of how classy he is.

If I email him after midnight, will he respond within minutes?

My fourth grade class read (well, the teacher read it to us) the Iliad. I remember rooting for Troy and being CRUSHED when Hector died. Fuck Achilles, man, Hector had mad game.

Remember back in the day when the general belief was that making people comment using their “real name” would lead to more civil discourse, as people would be concerned about the consequences of speaking crudely if everyone could see their real identity? LOL.

Yeah, you don’t realize how insanely genderfied everything is until you have kids. I was STUNNED at how nearly impossible it was to get gender neutral clothes for our kids. We had a girl first, so everything had pink hearts and unicorns and fairies on it. Then our son was born and everything was trucks and baseball

9a) Pretty much everyone is cool with this

Davis vs. Trump—WHO YOU GOT???

My policy is to only loan friends money I’m comfortable never seeing again. The reason being you feel like a complete dick to be the guy who is reminding his friend that he’s owed $10 or whatever. If you’re out at lunch with friends and one of them forgot his wallet and you buy his food, it really brings lots more

“Weight trainers hate this guy and the one weird trick he found to build mass FAST.”

I think my dad said “sound wouldn’t travel in space” about 50 times while watching the first Rebel attack on the Death Star.

Perhaps, but the species of snake *in that scene* was not native to the region, is what he was saying.

Boooo! Buzzkill! You remind me of that time when I was watching Raiders of the Lost Ark with my dad when I was 7. I was spellbound by the movie, caught up in every scene, literally sitting at the edge of seat. Indy falls into the pit, turns around, and is confronted by a menacing snake! My dad turned to me cooly and

Right. Different jurisdictions have different rules about what kind of warning or notification you have to provide to motorists before arresting them for something...like here in Portland, for example, cops have to put “photo radar ahead” signs at least 200 feet in front of photo radar vans when they out on the

By the same token, many people avoid looking at their phones while driving at high rates of speed because they know they’ll be able to the next time they come to a light. Look, I’m not saying it is great and awesome that people check their phones while in their car. I’d much rather that they didn’t. I just object to

“President Obama says he can build a computer that is 30 times faster than any other in the world. Trust me, this is a total joke, and I know for a fact the Chinese are laughing at us right now. They can easily do better than this. We should be able to do better than 30 times faster without even trying, but that’s

Important note: my “conversation” with the officer is based on the fact that in this hypothetical situation I was doing something WHILE STOPPED that is dangerous WHILE YOU ARE IN MOTION. It would be like getting arrested for DWI while you were sitting on your couch.

California police have been posing as transients who ask for spare change at offramps. Apparently since they write it on their signs, it does not count as entrapment or some such.

“If you’re on a public thoroughfare or a public road and you’re facing the phone you’re going to get our attention and we’re going to have a conversation with you.”

Obviously, we are the descendants of beings from Kepler who discovered how to escape their dying planet and came to Earth tens of thousands of years ago.