Dave J.

My view is that if a time capsule has not been buried for >200 years, it’s not worth opening.

Here’s the one question I always have when talking about taking VR mainstream—unless you are actually using it, no description of it will work. With other gaming, print and video can adequately convey the experience. But no amount of watching clips on my monitor or reading people describe it ever makes me think “oh, I

Well dang, it’s not like the Padres and Braves have ever had any memorable fights...

Ever had a flying bat come at you? It’s a crazily shaped piece of jagged wood flying about 80 mph. By the time your brain and eyes communicate and figure out what’s going on, you’ve been hit.

All the parents out there who have tried (and failed) to get their kids to sleep when it is >90 outside know immediately that this was written by somebody who does not have kids.

Well isn’t it funny, Annalee, that all you folks in your trendy latte cafes there on the coasts can mock real Americans in flyover country, people who only want to work an honest day and return home at the end to their family, and even though your Chosen One leader Barack Hussein Obama, who I know the mainstream media

Hard Boiled and The Killer were the movies that convinced me that Chow Yun Fat is the coolest motherfucker to have ever lived. I truly don’t understand how he isn’t more iconic in the states outside of video store nerds and hardcore action fans.

Thanks, GLH!

“He also once told one of his sons, “You ain’t no real nigga. You a white boy, you preppy, you rich boy.”

Weirdly aroused by that one...

“I hate the damn government with their rules and regulations! Now just shut up for a second and let me go back to leasing that valuable grazing land at 1920s prices!” —most US ranchers/farmers

If you build stops in Fresno and Bakersfield, people might consider staying there if they could reasonably commute to LA/SF in a shorter length of time. As it is now, people only move to a driveable distance from major work centers. Add high speed rail to the mix, and everything changes. People can get to big cities

I can’t hear the name “Hoiberg” and not say it in the voice of Prof. John Frink.

Dennis Rodman, pre-Madonna.

If it wasn’t for the video, he’d be playing. But as it is, every owner knows full well that the local (and national) news will have that tape of him knocking his fiance out played on a loop as they talk about his team signing Rice. Nobody wants to be a part of that.

But what about the bikers who think it’s nifty to let their bikes warm up for 15 minutes outside my window at 6am? In that case, the more I can hear it, the more I want to hit them.

Can’t believe you left Adam Curry off that list...

No insightful post here, just that I remember his dad’s rookie year with the Padres, when he was called “Baby Goose” since he apparently emulated the Padres’ closer at the time, Goose Gossage. And..well, damn. I’m old. How about that.

Say what you will, but I say kudos to the team’s sturgeon for getting Stanton ready to start the season so soon after that injury.