Dave J.

Oct. 18 (Pats @ Colts) should be completely insufferable in terms of pre-game coverage of this.

Where does it say “Brady told us to deflate them under the NFL’s limit?” Brady’s defense would simply be, “yeah, I like the balls to be less deflated than 16 psi.” The only thing I would say would be proof is something where Brady tells them that he considers the 12.5 or whatever the lowest allowable limit is to be

59.4% of stats are made up on the spot.

Space Ray Liotta would like a word...

Could be an homage to Grit King Kurt Gibson upon the news that he is suffering from Parkinson’s Disease.

“It’s not so much the murder that we have a problem with, it’s the decision making. If he’s going to kill someone right before the draft, when he knows we’re all watching him, what does that say about him? How do I know he won’t kill someone on game day, or the morning of a walk through?” —NFL GM

In my experience, Chipotle is for white people who want to feel condescending towards white people who go to Taco Bell.

I think you’re conflating “barbaric” with “do things in a certain way because technology hasn’t evolved yet.” In that sense I would say there is a huge difference between “men don’t have chemical birth control yet” and “we kill each other because one group worships a different god than another group.”

Biggest red flag for me is you get multiple answers to the question about why the job is open.

Yeah, in our case it is to provide proof that we considered each applicant and just didn’t give it to someone’s niece or whatever. The notes don’t have to be extensive...my notes frequently just have things like “quick thinking, good answers” or “doesn’t seem to have read job description,” etc. Basically enough info

“The facility had just 200 beds, but planners explained it would be a “hot bed” scenario, where the residents would take turns sleeping.”

I have to say, in response to this, that I work at a large public university, and have been on a few search teams, and our HR dept requires that we keep notes so that we can justify the decisions we make (who to bring in for a first interview, who to give the job to, etc.). So while this could give off red flags, in

Kudos to this guy for seizing the moment and Tebowing while it is once again topical, but points off for the poor form.

Oh goddam, you’re right. Thanks.

The only thing that Shaun has that Hot Fuzz does not is Bill Fucking Nighy.

No, in my hypothetical the starting pitcher walked two and then blew out his arm pitching to the third, so Harbaugh comes on in relief and inherits two base runners, but proceeds to retire 27 batters.

Well, maybe the original starting pitcher walked the first two batters, then broke his arm pitching to the third batter. Harbaugh came on in relief, and got the next two guys out, thus because he would be responsible for all 27 outs, he could say that he had thrown a perfect game in his role, but the box score would

“Emphasis on near, fucko!”—Harbaugh

Your money would probably be better spent convincing them to stop at your town rather than trying to shut down the whole thing because you have a petty gripe about getting bypassed.

It’s not like train has a monopoly on being a huge money pit. People are just so used to getting screwed on road projects that they no longer blink an eye. Yeah, HSR in CA is going to be absurdly expensive. But here in Oregon we recently spent upwards of $350 million on a plan to replace a big bridge on I-5 over the