Dave J.

Yeah, but Google only extracts subsidies from those places where they build. At least in that sense someone in Minneapolis won't pay for Fiber in Chicago, or someone in Denver isn't paying for it in Kansas City.

They got federal subsidies to do it nationwide, and so they built it primarily in DC and NYC, which are the two places that members of Congress visit most often. That's just smart business right there.

I'm not sure how true that is, most of the idiots I know who fall for quackery like this already have kids, so by that point the function of natural selection to take them out of the gene pool has failed.

I would guess that the boilerplate absolves them from knowing in advance that a given person on the site is trying to defraud people. Fair enough. But then as you say, their refusal to disclose the history of someone who is defrauding donors makes them a party to ongoing fraud because they are intentionally concealing

If GoFundMe is taking a % of those contributions, then they are party to fraud. (I say that in a practical sense, not in a legal sense.) One of these days someone will figure out how to sue *them* when they are defrauded rather than suing the person who actually defrauded them. That'll be the tipping point.


Area Auto Assholes Act Angry, Are Aftewards Attacked, film at 11.

License plate 157-ZSX. Do I have to spell it out for you?

Even worse is when the news doesn't even bother finding someone to disagree with the scientist, they just have the reporter/anchor say "meanwhile, opponents called this argument misleading, and said it was junk science." And of course this is the concluding comment, leading viewers to believe that "it's anyone's

They've got so many player contracts up this offseason, seems like they just figured what with Manning's arm practically falling off the other day they might as well blow the whole damn thing up and start from scratch.

Well, I guess this moves "doing their fucking job" at least one item lower on the list of "things that NYPD officers care about."

Some may suck. Some do not. One that definitely does not suck, and which is actually great, is the Heceta Head Lighthouse B&B on the Oregon coast. For one thing, it's not a person's house, it is the former house of the nearby lighthouse's operator's family. No longer inhabited, now just a B&B. You stay there, you walk

Jamie Lynn Palin is the most perfect name I can imagine. Track or Tugg or Trickk or whoever the fuck needs to get in there and make that happen.

"The Savior's flowing flax robes replaced by pleated khakis (a sensible 36x36, according to most observers), his wooden staff, which once commanded the good people of Israel to follow him through trials and tribulations, now replaced by a dry-erase clipboard and red pen as he leads the faithful to battle, not in

On Aug 28, 2014, at 2:47 PM, "Friedman, Harry" wrote:

I always get insulted when someone with an English or Aussie accent is subtitled in a documentary. I always wonder what % of the people who can't understand an English accent are literate, making the whole exercise of captioning it somewhat pointless.

To a shark with pretty shitty vision? Yes.

Exactly. And, people looking for alien life tend to assume that aliens must also be looking for alien life. Your numbers show that it is far more likely that aliens out there have already discovered other alien life (they're communicating, trading, warring with it), and they're not really that compelled to keep

18 years old and tasting of peat?