Dave J.

Buy yourself a bottle of Laphroaig and find out. ;)

Both may be used and/or accepted, but one is completely wrong. In this case, "jives" is 100%, absolutely, no bones about it, wrong. Many people say "for all intensive purposes" because they mis-heard "for all intents and purposes." Doesn't make it correct, though.

This observation jives with the fact that

One correction: the information presented thus far indicates that Cosby was, by 1989, *already* a serial rapist. Otherwise, however, you are right.

You say the golden retriever lost the agility contest. I say the golden retriever won the eating contest.

You left out "drunk."

On today's "Ya Heard, with Perd," we have an exciting story about a cord, and the story is that the cord tried to trip somebody who is a football coach.

I'm glad you said this...I was going to say the exact same thing. FSU is really in seriously deep shit over how badly they've handled this, and will inevitably be hit with a massive Title IX complaint (and civil suit) over this very case. I worked at a college and was involved in adjudicating student sexual assault

"Don't worry, son, I got us front row seats to Foo Fighters tomorrow night!"

Even Nostradamus could see that Han fired first.

Hope I'm not the only one who got confused by the perspective of this photo and thought—for a couple seconds—the desk came with a blue chair affixed to it.

Also doesn't work as well when you catch the ball at your own 1 yard line. Lateral by definition will be in the end zone.

"You're telling me the most heavily defended military complex on earth doesn't have footage showing Flight 77's impact? That the best we can do is a low-res security cam FROM A GODDAM 7/11 ACROSS THE STREET?"

Fuck yeah, bro! You sure told that writer on the internet what's what about fucking bye weeks! Yeah!

you forgot

I think he believes that using it in the *presence* of a woman is wrong, unless you are specifically addressing it *to* the woman, in which case kudos to you, good sir.

The only foodstuff like this that I've ever eaten (and honestly, I probably get one per month) is the "Burner" from Foster Burger here in Portland. Easily my favorite burger in town. It's got roasted jalapenos, two kinds of cheese, onion rings, and "srirancha," which is a dressing made from Sriracha + ranch. (The

I call on leaders in the white community to condemn this wanton display of violent thuggery.

The guy looks like Will Ferrell doing an impression of Josh Groban doing an impression of John Travolta.