Dave J.

It's like the Book of Revelations started talking about basketball.

In a very real way, perhaps his greatest legacy. Certainly his most impressive achievement.

"I had a friend was a baseball player
Back in high school..."

"120 Sports, a division of Entertainment 720."

Matt! Er...yes, we should connect! I'm trying to figure out the dang commenting system here to send you a private message, but can't get the hang of it. I'll keep trying. Thanks for writing!

I'm sure there is some sanctimonious asshole sportswriter out there who will happily tell you that he was one of the few who cast a no vote for Tony's HOF vote. That "nobody should be a unanimous first ballot HOFer" is one of the very worst of baseball's many unwritten rules.

With all due respect, since I don't know you and since attitude is hard to pick up on online, I will simply say that your position on this point explains so much of what is wrong with America today.

That is one goofy ass Carrot Top looking motherfucker.

Because college sexual assault involves alcohol like 95% of the time, is almost always bound up in lots of fairly complex social factors (the guy who assaulted you is really good friends with a bunch of your friends and you are worried they'll dump you as a friend if you publicly accuse him, etc.), and in very many

The thing that is baffling is that these cases usually involve the standard of "more likely than not," as opposed to "beyond a reasonable doubt" in criminal cases. It could be that this college has a higher standard than "more likely than not," however, in which case the sanctions may actually match the findings. If

The police file charges based on the criminal code, while colleges pursue charges based on violations of college policy. So the cops could put you in jail, whereas the school will expel you. Colleges are now expressly prohibited from telling victims (it's not just women!) that they should not file charges with the

Gilbert went big—he broke out the Curlz MT font for this one.

Basically Friedman stayed up late watching "Strange Brew" again, and this column is our punishment.

To a large extent the universe is constrained by the original (almost entirely white) casting in the mid 1970s. I get what you're saying, but when you are bringing back 3 main characters who are white, and when your story is going to be concerned with their descendants, it's sort of inevitable that most of your

Shouldn't you be out in Nevada protesting with Cliven Bundy?

My guess is that if you slow it down to normal speed, it doesn't look nearly as chaotic. This shows perfect "tacit coordination," as one of my old polisci profs used to call it. You see the same thing if you look down onto a sidewalk from the top of a skyscraper. Nobody shouting instructions, tons of people walking,

I like how it takes most people a second to realize that this is a gif, not an image. SHE DOESN'T CARE ABOUT YOUR SHITE OLYMPICS.

I am NOT beginning to doubt THEIR commitment to Sparkle Motion.

And you know that nobody raped her because.... ??? Note that "[Redacted] woke up in a hospital bed and doesn't remember how she got there or who transported her to the hospital" means that (a) she blacked out and lots of time is missing from the timeline, and (b) she got checked out at the hospital and DNA would have