Dave J.

I don't really know what you're trying to say here. There are comparatively fewer mass casualty incidents with knives than there are with guns, mostly because it takes lots more effort to attack someone with a knife.

Not sure the body is capable of generating that much so quickly. I mean, five orgasms in a day? Yeah, no worries. 10? Probably. 25? Doubtful. 50? Not a chance. Most of them would be completely fluid-free.

This is patently untrue. Colleges have any number of reasons to care about the safety of their students, and most do. This article talked about all of two colleges. You may think that colleges are cynical about the issue, or are motivated by the wrong things (fear of losing a lawsuit, for example), but the colleges

BREAKING NEWS: Guy Who Never Watched a Show Does Not Understand Many of the References When He Finally Gets Around to Watching an Episode.

Oh, I totally get that. My wife and I always joked that the show was "How I (Banged Every Single Woman in NYC and then) Met Your Mother." But, in terms of the length of time the viewer had to adjust to these changes, the pacing was horrible, hence my suggestion in another thread that they should have introduced the

No, she did get a name, she was "Number 31."

And the one time he forgot, how lucky that he would happen to bang some skank* who didn't mind relinquishing full custody of her daughter!

Seriously, I was expecting the kids to high-five each other when Ted picked up the phone to call Robin.

I get your point, but it requires that you believe that they *had* to kill the mother, which of course was a completely unnecessary plot device to get Ted and Robin together.

All of this could have been remedied had they (a) prepped the viewers for the Mother's death waaaaaay earlier, if not in season 7 or 8, then in the first episode of this season, and (b) told the later season writers, "you know, Ted and Robin wind up together in the end. Keep that in mind." But as it was, the writers

I liked the finale to Cheers. It was from the older sitcom era, where every story has to be tied up and every character sent on his/her way, but it felt right to me.

For me, the show ended on the train platform, with the Mother and Ted meeting. The rest of it—of what they showed us—took place in the darkest timeline, and I could give two fucks about that.

The athlete got "you're" right, so on that point he's ahead of 113% of Yahoo commenters.

" (sleeved jerseys are permitted in conjunction with a cardinals game or any other major St. Louis sporting event)"

The biggest mystery: we've already seen "older Ted" in flash forward segments, and he sounds exactly like younger Ted, played by Josh Radnor. SO THEN WHY DOES HIS VOICE CHANGE TO THE VOICE OF BOB SAGET WHEN HE NARRATES THE WHOLE THING TO HIS KIDS. SERIOUSLY THIS HAS BOTHERED ME FOR 7 YEARS. Ahem. Sorry about that.

There MUST be an epidemic of Russian kids falling off of really tall structures and killing themselves, no? I mean, not all those kids are good climbers, and add to that the alcohol that some of them must consume for courage, and....

"It's better to burn out, than to fade away," sang Neil Young. Those famous lyrics might have referred to the cosmic wonder of a shooting star, but "shooting" is what Kurt Cobain thought they literally meant, because he quoted that song in the suicide note that he wrote shortly before shooting himself, in the head.

Well yeah, except it's not "their" city—I'm guessing that Bashar makes sure to have soldiers from a different part of Syria patrolling/destroying the various cities he's attacking, just so they feel no tribal identity to the city or its inhabitants.

Most conspiracy theories are usually created by a combination of sloppy fieldwork and governments who hate sharing information. In this case you have very little fieldwork, and a government that hates to share information, and is fairly incompetent when forced to answer on the international stage. Remember Russia with

And of course this highlights the REAL awfulness of the anti-vax people: they won't risk* their precious snowflake kid's health on getting the vaccine, but they are more than happy to bank on the chance that little Atticus or Jhavani will be surrounded by sane people who DID get the vaccine, and will thus be protected