Dave J.

It's a new game: Tyrant, or Trump?

(they won't attend club events if Miley is there, causing her demand to drop.)

Gah, WTF is that??

I would say there is significant overlap on the Venn diagram of "people who honor 'heritage' with a Confederate flag" and "people with white power bumper stickers."

You should try to celebrate something about your heritage that was not a losing attempt at rebellion. Lane Kiffin's single season at UT, perhaps.

There's a case to be made that gentrification displaces poor/minority people from neighborhoods typically closer to the services they need. I get that, and I'm sympathetic. I'm just not sure that the above gifs make that case so well.

So now "gentrify" = "build shit on an empty lot, or where there was a building that looked like it had been featured in a crime scene from Robocop?"

In the time it took you to read this, all the cats owned by Gawker readers killed far more birds than this entire plant has so far.

"They told me it was Upton again this year."

I want to believe.

This is so good that even Janine Turner is crying tears of laughter.

I guess in the case of ISPs, the devil you haven't done business with is perhaps preferable to the devil who screws you every month?

My only hope is that the more expensive and worse the broadband providers get, the more incentive there is for someone (Google? Apple? Amazon?) to jump in and start delivering broadband directly on a citywide scale. That's 20 years off, but I think is probably what things look like in the future rather than everyone

I remember seeing some interview with Dana Carvey in which he said that if you started a cable channel that was nothing but a grapefruit on a stand, with a camera aimed at it 24/7, and ran that for a month, and then took the grapefruit out in public, people would line up for blocks for a chance to have their picture

You know, that's pretty extraordinary. The last time I such a catastrophic pass by something so low to the ground, Mickey Rooney got shot down by Lana Turner's knee.

Because he might lose, and it's better to be the Guy Who Would Definitely Have Obliterated Everyone if He Had Only Entered than to be the Overhyped Guy Who Entered and Got Beat by Some Nobody.

Or as my racist relatives preface their racist email forwards, "Just something to think about..."

"A shoulder hit is called a helmet-to-helmet hit..."

The corruption is a feature, not a bug. The corruption is WHY cities compete in the first place—because the "host committee" gets tons of money from contractors and developers who want the opportunity to build infrastructure for the games.