Dave J.

Could be correct, i.e., that the new owner didn't want to spend much on a new sign, so he called it something really close to Montgomery Wards.

Bless your heart, Brian Libby, but this building is a complete pile, and should be razed immediately. I've lived in Portland for 13 years, and have literally yet to meet a single person with a single redeeming thing to say about it. The urge to preserve everything BECAUSE it's simply old is what causes people to die

The story I've always heard about Montgomery Park, which could be apocryphal, is that the owner was a cheap bastard who got a good deal on some "Montgomery Ward" signage, and realized he could have a huge sign and only pay for the cost of two letters.

I see what you did there.

And yet they have yet to respond to my petition for a Fletch Lego set. There truly is no justice in this world.

"That one explains itself."

Well, they probably extracted the useful patents from Motorola that they wanted, and now they're selling what's left because they don't need it.

Feeling much better about my Nexus phone today than I was yesterday after the "LOLZ Google is dumping Nexus because they have Motorola!!!" article.

There's harm in the form of the rat infestation that has occurred (and this has been confirmed by the county, I'm not just making shit up because I'm petty) due to the (a) substandard plumbing (which caused a leak in her sewer line) and (b) the piles of debris in the backyard, and the fact that the backyard looks like

I'm down with this, in theory. All the structures pictured here were designed with care, and attention to detail. In reality, however, things don't work this way. I'm currently going through the system with my next door neighbor, who thought it would be really cool and bo-ho to convert a shitty Tuff Shed on her

It's not that I doubt your friend's experience, but according to the World Bank, the life expectancy in Afghanistan during that period was <40 years.

Incognito is an overweight asshole of European descent, or "meathead," in the parlance of our times.

If China can keep the air in Beijing clean for the duration of the Olympics (basically by forcing every factory to shut down), I'm sure Brazil can figure out how to clean up a bay.

Must have been fun figuring out where to place the one 20' length of guardrail along that 1/4 mile of road.

I must point out, and with much regret, that the rhetorical grace and skill of your post is somewhat undone by your having opted to include as examples two instances in which a brave defending force was, in the final analysis, overrun and massacred by the opposition—or "offense," to use the crude terms of American


Yeah, I bought some at the store recently, and was SO excited to have them, but they weren't very good. Just sort of sweet, absolutely no bacon flavor at all. Disappointment.

Sorry, I just meant that I don't see a large bomber like the type that delivered the Tsar Bomba as a delivery device that would survive trying to fly from its base to its target. Survive enemy fire, I mean, not the detonation.

Tsar Bomba ain't getting dropped anytime soon. For starters, any plane large/strong enough to carry one that size would be vaporized within 10 minutes of taking off.