Dave J.

You have to put Barry Bonds on the list of athletes who are/were dicks to everyone. I was a batboy for a NL team when he was with the Pirates, and one day he jogged past as the other batboys and I were standing around in the outfield during batting practice. He stopped, looked at the one batboy who wore an earring,

Now playing

It was actually "Good Night America," in 1975. Here's the clip.

It really makes you wonder how much other crazy stuff is out there, buried under the deserts of the world.

HR: Your blood test came back positive for cocaine.
Me: Oh. See, I don't do coke, but I *did* lick pages 56-124 of my library copy of "50 Shades of Grey."
HR: Oh, ok, carry on then.
Me: I did the same thing with "The Notebook."
HR: You're fired.

You realize "the end" referred to in the title has nothing to do with the decision, right? (Spoiler alert: I don't think you do.)

I think your sympathy for Dana is based on the fact that he reminds you of yourself, and you sound like a real horrible person.

Interesting. Along similar lines, the pilot episode of "Gilligan's Island" was filmed on 11/22/63, and if you look closely, as the SS Minnow sails out of port on its three hour tour, you can see a flag at half-mast, having literally just been lowered in honor of JFK.

Now that you mention it I do remember him intro'ing the clip that way. Crazy to think it went unseen for so long. But, I mean, it's live footage of a president getting shot in the head—pretty damn unsettling stuff.

stainless steel coffee mug, a Li-ion AA battery, some Axe Body Spray, a condom, and a bottle of water

Yeah, there's a clip out there of Geraldo Rivera showing the Zapruder film on TV back in like 1980, and it's clear that, for whatever reason, a bunch of the people watching with him hadn't seen it before, and there is a real, audible gasp when the mist of blood is seen.

Clint Hill, the secret service agent who jumps on the car after the head shot, testified that she was trying to collect a portion of JFK's skull that had landed back there.

Her low-calorie cocktail sounds possibly vile? It's Bacardi rum, raspberry-lemonade flavored Crystal Light and a splash of Sprite Zero.

Yeah, my wife went through some fertility concerns for about 8 months (really not that long at all, all things considered), and that was pretty stressful. Can't even imagine what it must be like to literally have magazines speculating about the condition of your womb for the past ten years.

James Dolan submitted this photo as proof that 80% of Knicks fans approve of his decision to recast the Knicks City Dancers as improv comics.

I'm convinced the reason the SUV was invented was so dudes could go on midnight runs to dispose of their embarrassing mattresses. Nobody wants to put a hideously stained mattress out in front of their own house.

She's nowhere NEAR David Beckham on the "huh, the voice does NOT sound like what I was imagining" scale.

Show me a country with a declining prison population, and I'll show you a country with sane drug laws.

We obviously share no Facebook friends.

The clinical trials for this one are going to be a beee-yotch.

Because this is run by the Department of Corrections, and they could not give a shit. I'm sure the people who are "in charge" of this place hate that part of their job, and fume about it all the time.