Dave J.

Dude, it's really not a big deal that some stranger on the internet (that's me, in this case) doesn't care for your favorite beer. It's a difference of opinion. Move on.

Yeah, that was my sense as well. It's a vastly different animal than the large multi-nationals listed above it.

Oh, no doubt there are some good beers on here. I'm just saying that there are very few, if any, that should be someone's absolute favorite. There are TOO MANY good beers in America for people to settle for "good."

Can I just be "that guy" for a moment, and say that if your favorite beer appears on this list, you seriously need to get out and try some new beer.

In defense contractor speak, "affordable" should be read as "prohibitively expensive."

The sad thing is, I wasn't as confused by your comment as you probably thought I'd be—grants.gov is weird enough that I was like "huh, sounds like they changed the front page again." Wouldn't have been too shocking.

Difference there is that people from both sides are *generally* in favor of the concept of their healthcare system. Here, half the government is actively working to shut down the whole thing.

Anyone who has ever used a website designed/implemented by the feds could have seen this coming a mile off. I use grants.gov for my job, which is the website where you submit grant applications to federal agencies. It's been up for about 5 years now, and was an absolute cluster when it was first rolled out. I mean,

The real story here is the increasing inability of teens (and adults, it's true of everyone) to process, understand, or talk about something if it doesn't happen online. Say what you will about the importance of social media and the increasing connectedness of people due to the internet and yada yada yada, kids are

My wife had a miscarriage, and it was a horrible, horrible experience for us to endure. The baby was hardly full term, and she didn't deliver it, but still...that whole experience has taught me a life lesson, which is this: it is traumatic and painful as fuck to lose a child, and basically you should NEVER EVER judge

He's so good that before you know it, you're in his bed and he's calling you a car home.

I'd dearly love to get my parents' iMac up to speed; I think they are running X.5, or perhaps even X.4 still. Is there a single website somewhere that lays out the steps you need to take to make your way through Apple's required process for updating to the latest version of OS X from whatever version you happen to

How is pointing out that an abstract political philosophy has damaging consequences when applied to the real world "advancing political goals?"

Yes, God forbid I draw some sort of connection between someone's political philosophy and the natural consequences of that philosophy! That's just crazy talk!

I think "libertarian" is how they describe themselves, actually.

They just tape it to your locker where everyone can see it? I'm guessing that violates 12 different confidentiality clauses of the contract, no?

More evidence that the libertarian freaks who run sites like Facebook are utterly divorced from the reality of the actual world.

Yes, and 8 year olds who watch this are no doubt capable of nuanced thinking like that. "Hey, kids, don't watch this! Oh, wait, no...it's being shown because people want to *condemn* it, so it's all good, go ahead."

Sure looks like it.

Completely amazing.