
I hope that doesn't mean you don't have a brain.. :D J/K


Way to go Old School for the Win!!!! You have this saved or a lot of free time LOL!

Send him a message and ask him to please never pro-create, because you just can't fix stupid.

Did you find this on Lost? heheheehehe Where's the fifth toe? hopefully in the rubble down there.

Pro: They are a great conversation starter, and very good for your feet IF you walk "properly" as in how you walk without footwear.

Funny! I'm wearing my Bright Yellow Komodosports at this very minute!

Barefoot running - or getting chased by a dog? :D

They do for the 5 toes - thus why the competitors are doing 4 "toes".

I have 7 pair of the REAL Minimalist Shoes - Vibram 5 Fingers. Anything else is a poser :D. I wear them anytime I'm not barefoot. I've had surgery multiple times on my right foot, and need it on my left. With Vibrams I pretty much walk normal and can do so for many miles.

Ummmm. Hmmmm...... This is the only response I could come up with.....

Agreed. I'd like to see the logic behind this. What Major ties does NYC have to NASA in comparison to Houston???? Also, there's far less chance of graffiti getting sprayed on it in Houston... LOL (Just Sayin')

Nope. I Love my wife and she loves me. Facebook is wrong.

Even if this is proven to be fake, I hope it will at least get more people into the thought process of making it happen in the future. The arguments are all sound, but with technology today Fakes are getting harder to detect, and an ingenious mind could make it a real possibility. Paint a Airplane Hanger Green

That's AWESOME! I'm both overly impressed and Jealous of his achievement!

OK Since EVERYONE is more poor (poorer?) than Apple, in a way they ARE helping the poor.... From a certain point of view. ;-)

You forgot to talk about angles. Larger people, or smaller "appendages"(I'm guessing) can be made to look more appealing based on a decent angle. Straight on or straight for the side probably won't do you any favors unless you're amazing already. LOL

Think he's below Radar yet? :D

Tag him and Bag Him - then lose the bag on a busy highway full of tanks.

I'm blaming this on Microsoft's Emergency Patch to fix the RDP Exploit causing IT People so many problems!!!