
But a bottle rocket on a car isn’t going to go up to the x floor of a building, hover in front of a window, wait for the target and shoot. Then just fly away.....

How many fingers were sliced open during the making of this DeLorean?

X-rays are NOT Magnetic. MRI's are MAGNETIC RESONANCE IMAGING. The Key here is any movement that would puncture the artery could cause her to bleedout internally or get one of those needles into her bloodstream... which would probably kill her enroute to her heart.

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I think this is the original Big Bertha. Nothing would stop it!

Arround Frame 229.. basically right where the sign is (with the composite by) You'll see him grab for his throat as he's coming from behind the sign)

Now THAT is awesome!

I am thoroughly offended that you would put this here. It's sick enough someone would do that, it doesn't belong here.

Didn't notice the hundred or so on the water??? Still a poor use of the English language.

OK that was sadly funny as Hell!

Apparently no one remembers the environment screens from Back to the Future?? I'm guessing it becomes 'Artwork' when not actively used.

Same. I'll admit my digital photos auto-upload to Photobucket in case of something like a flood or a house fire or I lose my phone, but those and everything else I deem important that's digital is on a RAID10 or better device and copied to a second similar device if deemed that critical.

I actually make sure I download each and every song I purchase for this exact reason. :) The cloud is nice, but I think the same thing, eventually this service will end and when the site is shutdown I'm screwed if I don't actually copy it to my personal storage.....

This is why I use my "Personal Cloud"... That way I'm in control of my data, its security, and who has access to it. It's still on a mutli Terabyte RAID 10 so there's fault tolerance and a lot of room, and its just as easy albeit a bit slower than an Enterprise Environment - but I could fix that by getting a faster

Too Funny! I was thinking the same thing!

Soo, we should have a follow up story in the near futyre about how this guy has gone missing along with the information.....

Another (sort of) new comer you did not consider is Pogoplug. It allows you to use both your own HDD space AND/OR their cloud space on virtually any personally owned device + internet. YOU own your data, YOU control all aspects of it. and it's dirt cheap, I did not purchase their device, but the service is on my

And soon enough people will be hacking into your Drop box account, so be careful of what you put in there. :D

Soooo did you not Like Mass Effect1 or 2? LMAO

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I envision a device that's a cross of Pac-Man and the Cleaner from the movie "Labyrinth"!

Orbitz gives you a clean mouth?