
Shared as "The Most Awesome Video I've seen in a Long Time!"

Wow I'm glad I'm not the only one that thought the soundtrack ruined the video :) I've heard better music on my old Mattel NFL Football game (the one with red LEDs).... or maybe even Merlin.... I'm sure there aren't many people here who know what Merlin is.. but it sounded better than that!

Sooo - you pre-order with your CC to cover the initial costs... and we'll give you a credit back in the event we don't get the response we want... Not very customer friendly - but it is a great way to test an idea at very minimal costs to a small start up company like Mattel.. I mean they've only been around since

And this is yet one more reason why I enjoy being a Homebody. I loose enough stuff IN My own house, then find the original only after I give up and buy a replacement. (seriously on more than one occasion). So I can feel his pain, but I do it without involving drugs or alcohol. LOL

OK I am a HUGE Star Wars fan and I never thought Han Shot First.. I always thought he shot in self defense, and have you looked at Greedo's fingers? those long nasty things could easily slip and cause a bad shot. Han was obviously sitting there with his blaster aimed in the holster, but I think he reacted not

I was thinking maybe it ate a lot of Beets or some other "inky" purplish food.

The most Awesome way to kill yourself on a mountainside..... wow..I'm getting old.... 10 years ago I'd be all over this!

Love it!

Yes to all of them... all but Microsoft event and closing 50 tickets just today :D

I have the Panasonic Lumix DMC-ZS10, not quite up to this level, but it takes fantastic video and stills, in all levels of light.

OK I have to say, that's a cool image for this article. :) Other than that I'm not a RIM Fan. They had an innovative product line, but they haven't had much truly new innovation in a long time... As with any Tech Company, if you don't step up and stay fresh, you'll have to step out, by choice, or by force (aka

Question: SOPA how are you going to fix this? Answer: "We were going to focus our resources on ingenious ways to Fraud Retail Stores, but we got slowed down after taking an arrow to the knee.." "Now we only go after issues where we can stay seated in front of a computer."

I agree with the security for sure, if we didn't BUY a $60 game, the price would go down (Cost/Demand).

I used B-Folders. It not only holds passwords, but any other information you want, you can use pre-created templates or add documents like a .txt file. It's Encrypted and will sync between multiple devices like tablet, phone, and computer without needing to trust an on-line cloud that is owned by someone else. I

LOL and I was just trying (and I guess failing) to be funny. It's all good. The Giz likes to be on the edge, love them or hate them they are who they want to be. :-D

I didn't feel vulnerable, I'm not a bashful person.

did the pants really need to be down for this?

Wow... someone owes everyone that viewed this 43 seconds back.

Nope - I have better ways to Spend my time... but the options have thinned since I took an arrow to the knee. :-P

Maybe he ate them.. he's looking at one drop of blood he missed....