
I agree. My PHONE GPS can pinpoint which part of my HOUSE am I in on GOOGLE MAPS... and for the record, I do not live in a mansion :D

OK when I was in College (Junior by credits my Sophomore year), I honestly had 2 jobs (Pizza Delivery no less) and maintained a decent GPA + a professional party life. So it's possible. Granted College costs have SKYROCKETED since I went so I'll cut you a lot of slack ;)

If you ever get to a Super Lego Store (like at the Mall of America in Minnesota) You'll see just how many different options LEGO actually makes. Granted, if modeling is your passion, you're going to spend 10s of Thousands of Dollars to get the "just right parts". The rest is time and imagination.

You have a job that pays a lot of money, OR you spend a lot of time at Garage Sales!

Just one bullet though, gotta give her a fighting chance, and some entertainment for those forced to listen to her whining. There are people out there that hoped for a MEAL for Christmas and people bitch about the Toy/Gadget/etc they weren't blessed with. I begged my family not to spend a bunch of money on stuff I


Time to upgrade your job?

I've been an HTC Fanboy for YEARS, I just got my first Samsung (Galaxy S II) and I gotta say I've had less problems with it than with ANY HTC product I've owned.

Good to see people still have some imagination.... :)

First they'd have to pull their heads out of their A$$ before they could find the right button...

I bet they get sneaky now and make it RiAa/money

Merry Christmas - Here's a fabulous picture of the "—————" I ordered for you, unfortunately Best Buy Cancelled it after charging my CC. Put it on the Fridge with Pride!

And no one would guess the login is admin/admin we're very security oriented around here.

Not surprising but Thank God. I left AT&T for "Voice stream" and have been with T-Mobile ever since.

The Ban only occurs if they can't change these particular phones in a way that doesn't infringe on the patent technology. I don't think this is going to kill HTC. Oh and they have until what - April?

I'll have to pass. But I believe ALL burglars, terrorists, and generally evil people should have to wear these... :D

Hmmmm, Interesting new home grown industry! No Officer - I'm just selling Honey.. .Here - try some. :)

The video is deceiving. Note earlier BEFORE they got in the water it was just about sunrise. They changed the filter or video in editing to enhance the lighting effect. Looks damn cool, and still fing dangerous (but only if you hit something, or it hits you LOL). And Sharks... No more dangerous than at high noon.

Yeah I love the song as well!

OK anyone using Facebook while driving a car, or walking near moving machinery (Cars, Ban Saws etc) deserve to leave the gene pool. There's this complacency nowadays that "eh, I'll be fine" without considering all the ramifications of the choice you're making. The same goes for "In the Office" Facebook activities.