
All I know is, It's not a Human Horn.....

My favorite - period!

Ahhh Caveman - one of my favorite terrible movies. I had to buy the DVD it's so fun to watch!

OK I think I can't speak for all tools, but in the case of FitBit you've over stepped. It and a lot of other tools don't claim their device will MAKE you thin. They simply offer a way to monitor aspects of your physical activity.

Actually this is my second vehicle that actually came with an IPOD Cable and interface! (Scion xB and now Honda Crosstour EX-L) :) So the interface works well, the only PIA is scrolling through 110GB of Music to find what you want.. To mitigate the problem I have a lot of playlists with my favorite Genre, Artists,

I use my 16GB Nano everywhere but in the car... It even sings me to sleep at night on it's little Nano Necklace Plugged into my Skullcap Headphones :)

My 160GB IPod Classic is my MP3 HDD in my car.... I'll have to ensure it doesn't get bumped around or anything... It's only brought in the house for Hi/Lo Temp days and Syncing new music... I will be very sad if they don't have a comparable replacement by the time it releases it's mortal Coil......


My question is - would it try to continue to skip and bounce just to ensure it's final resting place ISN'T Canada??? J/K Canadian's are a fine people... especially if you compare them to those silly Iowans! (really j/k again) I can't help it us Weird Minnesotan's are stuck in between them! (and it's late, I should


I'm gonna have to go with E. If you had a "Pie" based question... that might have won as well. LOL

I'll wait until all the Major holes are "fixed" by people hacking the new concept. It's easy enough to hack accounts without it being wireless.... I know because I had 2 different cards hacked the same day earlier this year. Since I only use TWO it was rather inconvenient until the replacements came... Luckily Both

Agreed. Damn that looks like quite the Wedgy there!

I have literally 2 travel bags FULL of various coins and paper money, a lotof which are quarters.. (they were fun to get through TSA security!) They were bequeathed to us by a family member who was a huge coin collector.. not so good at cataloging them... I bet if I sell the quarters at $3 each, most will sell for

Agreed, I'd rather smell speed stick than B.O. You can't force people to buy non-scented deodorant, but charging them a nominal fee then handing them a warm washcloth and a trial size deodorant seems fair to everyone involved.

Everyone's description of "fat' is different. How about - If you need the Seatbelt Extender....

They state $180, read all the way through :)

Love the picture... but the owner(s) of this site should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law!

You crack me up!

Wow that's kinda harsh... It's not like they stole Fizzy Lifting Drinks! LOL "You get Nothing!"