
It's Called GPS - They can pin point where the source is/was unless the A-Hole actually hit the pilot in the eye with it. I agree it'd be hard to find THAT person, but if they are dumb enough to do it once, I'm sure they'll do it again.... Jets Fly Traffic patterns just like ships/trains, automobiles..... SO if they

I think they should go Old school on these losers. A good Keel Hauling at 20,000 Feet should do the trick. Good Luck surviving that.

A fine example of One (or several) Bad Apples just simply ruin it for the rest of us.

I'm sorry.. I just can't do that.

And thus why I don't keep my Credit card on Any Console Account anymore...... Finding my address is public information if you want it bad enough, but I don't want you getting my CC score all F'd Up. It's as close to perfect as it can be after a long hard battle to get it there. Hack away you losers. Why don't you

If this actually turns out as awesome as it looks, it could seriously slow down the PC market.. I say this because if it's going to be basically a universal OS (per se) it should run on older but still decent hardware, like my HP Touchsmart Tablet Notebook.. It's not the newest thing out there, but it's got an active

to Quote Stewie Vader "Come to the Backside of the Force?" LOL

My God... it's Full of Stars!!!

I agree. We use this system for VPN access at one of my customers as well. It's only a part of a 15+alpha numeric password, followed by actual Network Login credentials which are not related nor allowed to have any commonality between the accounts. So if they actually got through to vital Data - then the

3000lbs hanging by a rope in Choppy surf will do that, but yes, I would not want to be on the receiving end of that falling.

I've said it before - I'll sat it again - if The Anti-Christ is coming - His name is Google! They are tapping into SO MUCH of our personal lives, the day this goes live and the day they buy Facebook (It could happen) is the day I go off the Grid. :D Yes I am a Huge Google User and FaceBook user as well. I

OK now that we can't make fun of him anymore..... ok we can but... Who's returning all this gear, and who's keeping it???? LOL

A white spot of nothing.. but to the left - 8-track "tapes" or cartridges... most called them tapes though.

What good does an Iphone do you? everyone's going to be too busy running, fighting or dying.. or already dead to call txt chat with you.....

But its so much fun to laugh at their Lunacy. Even if they WHERE RIGHT... I think the Almighty would quick change the date, otherwise the entire Bible becomes a lie... because someone figured him out and got the date right... no one can think like God or be like God... No one but God knows the date. :) So

Hmmm Excellent question- I'd guess a Free fall back to Earth and like the shuttle on launch in reverse - the Soul released and the rest plummets to the Ground/Water or burns up in the atmosphere.....


But they all say "inspected by #5"... is that really useful??? :D

Ummm Hey... everyone - what if it happened already? Maybe God said you all suck, I guess I'll have to start over somewhere else.... Remember the majority of all Major religions started in the Middle East and Asia. So It's tomorrow already - can someone check in with Osama and see if..... nvm The US Military

I have a smartphone and a Tablet 2 tablets in fact... I do not share any Because then I'd have to give them my password to log into said device to use it. :D But In my case what I'm hiding is work related documents and secured links that I'm entrusted with... Therefore I have them both encrypted, with passwords and