
Although - I'm NOT saying I don't agree that this would be an Awesome Update item. Just saying the Root Cause for the need stated can easily be mitigated by not keeping anything on it that needs to remain a secret. :)

What can you hide from FaceBook and Twitter? If they know your account and you befriend/allow them to follow you - Don't do anything needing to be hidden... or get out of the apparent bad relationship. Gmail... Well isn't that password protected? Don't save any passwords on your Android Device.. or again, don't

Classic!!! But I'll avoid drinking anything resembling punch in public... Maybe I'll just stay home until Monday... Please Check in on me then... :-P

It's also a book, and inanimate object.... I don't think it can think or KNOW anything LOL... j/k

Good thing there are only 60 minutes in an hour.. that way it can happen at 6:66pm :O

You have to be from the south where there are more instances of lazy eyes - in those Backwoods Hilly areas...... :P Common Question around those parts is "What you lookin' at!?"

I'll have to go see if my Parents did this.. They're whole lives for the past several years have been wrapped around the Rapture's pending DOOOOOM........ Yes, I love my parents but they fit into the Crazy Category here.....

Just use an application like B-Folders or DropBox for your "secrets" B-Folders gives you an encrypted password protected Storage area. Dropbox... well you can password protect it at least. I guess it really depends on what you're trying to Hide??

I'll stick with my FitBit and my Vibrams. Might not have all the functionality of these, but I know my setup works... and I Only run if Chased by someone armed and dangerous :D

The Shower head shown in the article will need Gorilla Glue to handle ANY water pressure LOL

Something HIGHLY Combustible at a temperature to Melt Metal.... I'm sure they didn't go Mr. Wizard and Dump a lot of Dry Ice On it... after all it is the desert. Maybe they used the HUGE BIG BROTHER Magnet that they were watching the compound with? We'll stick with the general answer of fire lots of Hot

I have about the same deal here in Minnesota - where it's the last week of April and SNOW is still a part of the forecast.... The other issue is these Mowers are only useful if you have a fairly FLAT yard. My house is at the top of a 50degree Hill. Our Mowing TEAM have a special Mower just for the backyard.

Soooooo You put your WEED in there?

You may hate them but I bet you make them everyday. Sitting down on any cushioned furniture or a carpeted floor, maybe even a thick rug...... :P Yes, it's been one of those days heheehe.

I'm impressed with your impression of DennyCranes Impression.

So far so good on the Xoom. Multiple Tabs, Videos, all at once and so far Solid!. Might become my default again now :D

Xoom WiFi Edition. I'd have no issue paying $3, but ATM I stopped using Skyfire (Though it is an Awesome Browser) because its a memory hog on the Xoom and crashes a lot. I'll go see if it's been "optimized" for Tablets. Then I'll give it a shot. :)

If it didn't crash so much on Honeycomb I might update.....

I love my XOOM, but have to agree with zomgzombies. Needing to buy all your charging "tools" be it automobile or A/C outlet. So far this and the whole SD Card Fiaso are my only complaints about the XOOM. To put it frankly, I don't even take my laptop to work any more. I have a desktop for when I'm AT my desk, but

So this is like a diversion from the app Yourverison?