
Did they steal one of our F-22s?

@EvanMinn: Agreed... My first winter car was a FABULOUS Dodge Aries K!

@veronykah: See I think those East Coast Folks should have to come to the Upper Midwest between Jan - March for proper winter driving instructions before getting a drivers license. More over it should be Mandatory that their City Utility/DOT folks should learn how to plan for Heavy Snow Events.... Then again the

I was giddy with the snow we've gotten in Minnesota. A chance to test out my 4-wheel driving skills! Not 1 scratch on the new car :D

@RandomNeurons: Santa Rides a Sledge now? I should have reinforced the ROOF!

I don't think the city can STOP Mother Nature....

Everyone comes out of the cockpit looking like the people from the latest Trojan commercials!

If it beeped - you could use it like a cowbell so you'll know if your significant other is coming into the room and quick close down that PORN!

@trois: LED Lights = lower consumption and lower heat = lower fire threat.

@espinha: Was...was... was there a double meaning/joke in there? LMFAO

@anradu: Only if you don't water/care for them while they're inside your home.

Real is greener. It's replacable, recyclable, and non-toxic if thrown away.

Perfectly safe! Just hope they have extra bungie to get her to the ground or strong arms to drag her all the way back up.

I will say the Game Tron Evolution is Damned hard to get used to controls wise, but it has amazing graphics and is frustratingly fun. :)

@superdemon: Well..... They could afford the rest of it... How about a compromise. Add some pedals to the tracker and they can manually move if the movie gets dim? Then all you need is a Spool "table" that you know they have somewhere around ther.. take out the middle, space it with some ballbearings and a gear

@superdemon: Well then just use all that power to put your caravan on a rotating disk that solar-poweredly tracks the sun?

Can you RIP/Burn the Feeds and add them to your Online DVD collection? for 20K I think you're buying the right to be able to watch as many times as you like.

You can always start acting and hope to join the Screen Actors Guild. We get "selected" DVDs for Voting for the SAG Awards.... Not quite the same but it's also Free. : )

Now to wait for the Vulcan's to Appear... I know we didn't hit WARP1 but that was a Movie....... LMAO.