
If it had a normal key layout, this might be nice but definitely not necessary.

This just might be worth buying a PS3...

That is simply Awsesome!!!

@ep3232: I knew you would!

Now after watching the video.. I think that guys needs directions to a bathroom..... FAST!!

I would have guessed a new type of fishing rod... :)

@trs: Apple is all about Thin and Flat. They think Size is everything, but in the wrong direction. :)

All Brian wants for Christmas now - a New TV and some tape for his Wedding Ring. :) Sorry Brian - Love Endures TVs... not so much

@MikeMcKenzy: I watched that episode too, They couldn't do ANYTHING that stopped those dogs noses from sniffing out whatever they were trained to find. It was Amazing. And A dog doesn't take backtalk. Nor will it let emotions get in the way of kicking ass and earning it's treat :)

I'm not PRO on these scanners, but people are getting in a big TIZZY about a view that's not much different than going to a Beach. Only there it's real flesh, not a black and white paranormal looking image. I'll go through this before I'll go have Chubby McFinger Happy tickle my stick and giggleberries!

I am known for my "weird shoes" People at work look at my feet daily just to comment"Those aren't Shoes", "weird shoes where'd you find those?" They are great Ice Breakers. I have 4 different pair of Vibram 5-Fingers, 3-4 pair of Puma Vostro's and my Chung Chi.... Different colors for my mood or occasion... I have

Give me an aquatic ready vehicle that can safely (and fuel efficiently) cross an ocean and I'd never fly again

@andyengle: Agreed. Now someone needs to come up with an affordable aqua-car that is fuel efficient to cross the Atlantic or Pacific oceans.

When it gets rooted for Android.. then we'll talk.

Lack of fear, and low center of gravity.. Get that kid smoking so he stunts his growth and Look Out Shaun White!

Is it just me or do the old man mask's eyes look permanently shut?

@zhinker: That was my first thought too..

@Mr_Biggles: And I would have gotten away with it too if it wasn't for you meddling Kids!

@call_in: No I think the mask had a stroke....