
You keep getting this wrong by missing which bit falls into which category.

Of course there’s a rift between the likes of O-C and the actual Democrats in the party, because being a Democrat really isn’t about old-fashioned antisemitic conspiracy theories and ridiculous fake-poverty posturing.

Chapo? Was he notably antisemitic?

Wow, it’s almost like O-C is a massively obvious fake whose only notable skill is antisemitic self-publicising. 

Given that he ‘apologised’ in a way that caused further offence, it’s pretty clear it’s not the second part of what you’re suggesting. Or, at least, he hasn’t realised why there was a problem, he’s just noted the immense offence caused.

“You will never see a Black man lose his mind because someone assumed (correctly or incorrectly) that he had a big dick.”

“the whole thing in rap about “Jew money,” “Jew lawyers,” etc. is about one group of downtrodden people looking at another oppressed ethnic group for examples of success and status”

I’m sorry, I thought the racist stereotypes were true’ isn’t even an apology. Has he learnt something, or does he still believe that?

“these are people who’ve lived among active oppressors for thousands of years, and have nevertheless managed to obtain a disproportionate level of average “success””

You don’t think doubling-down on the offense might have been another slight problem? ‘I thought the racist stereotype was true’ is hardly a good apology.

One thing which would help make it OK is if certain sections of the ‘black’ community would stop insisting (against all evidence) that Jewish people are ‘white’. At that point you can ironically reference ‘Jewish money’ the same way the n-word is acceptable, because you’re offering the hand of friendship rather than

Jewish people aren’t ‘white’. Get a grip.

Oh look, an antisemite.

Lebron didn’t apologise very well, given that he doubled-down in the ‘apology’. ‘I thought it was true’ isn’t a great excuse for saying something incredibly racist, because that’s exactly what the problem was.

It does look like there’s a real conflict of interest that ought to be avoided. But this is Alabama, so 99% it’s just racism in action.

It sounds like she is genuinely mentally ill. As are most people who go around doing things this batshit crazy. 

You think her mum misgendered her?! Isn’t it more likely the mum used her daughter’s preferred pronouns?

You appear unaware of how this works. Now, whatever pronouns were her preference are appropriate. When talking about their past, some transgender people prefer their current pronouns, others prefer the ones they were known by at the time.

Unlawful killing is a term that encompasses murder and also manslaughter, negligent homicide, and other killings that are not lawful but are not necessarily termed ‘murder’ in the applicable jurisdiction.