Wow, is there anything you lot can’t turn into a Nazi conspiracy theory?
Wow, is there anything you lot can’t turn into a Nazi conspiracy theory?
Wow, it’s almost like your regular antisemitic rants against those ebil capitalist landlords might have been misplaced, huh?
“We hit the road at 1:45 PM for a 3:30 showing at a theater three miles away. And folks, we barely made it.”
You can get by just fine on summer tyres if you don’t also drive like Jeremy Clarkson. It’s not optimal, but there’s no reason to get stuck anywhere. The problem is people who put their foot on the accelerator hard, then when their wheels spin press it harder instead of letting up.
You can get by just fine on summer tyres if you don’t also drive like Jeremy Clarkson. It’s not optimal, but there’s no reason to get stuck anywhere. The problem is people who put their foot on the accelerator hard, then when their wheels spin press it harder instead of letting up.
Because in reality the majority of people who claim to be anti-Zionist are in fact antisemitic.
How about the German government?
It’s because BDS is antisemitic.
It is definitely antisemitic to support BDS, who have a long history of deeply antisemitic statements.
BDS makes openly antisemitic statements including denying Israel the right to exist. It is not an anti-Zionist movement, it’s an antisemitic one.
It doesn’t. BDS does, on the other hand, which is just one of the reasons it’s considered an antisemitic movement.
You are openly antisemitic and claim BDS isn’t... Hmmm, what to believe?
BDS makes statements that are actually criminal hate-speech in many countries. Hence why they’re widely considered an antisemitic movement rather than an anti-Zionist one.
Not supporting Israel is rather different from being openly antisemitic - which BDS is, by the definition of antisemitism that’s widely accepted around the world.
BDS is officially antisemitic according to the IHRA definition that is standard across the world. Not every ‘anti-Zionist’ is just using it as a cover for antisemitism. But pretty much everyone who claims ‘I’m an anti-Zionist, not an antisemite’ then goes on to say something antisemitic right away. It’s a bit like…
Lee, unlike most Confederates, actually does deserve remembrance - in a way remembers the bad things he did without missing out the good parts. (It’s a bit like Henry Ford - did the FoMoCo stuff, but was also almost charged with aiding the enemy during the Second World War.)