
Yeah, but that estimate was utter fantasy.

The economic problem with nuclear isn’t building safe reactors, it’s cleaning up the low-level nuclear waste that is almost the entirety of a decommissioned nuclear power station. It’s costing huge amounts to deal with the old reactor buildings and so-on - far more so than dealing with the reactors and fuel rods,

There’s a problem with being a retro-only brand: no-one ‘needs’ to buy the latest model, because it hasn’t really changed. Ducati (for example) manage to sell new bikes to the same riders every few years, because they’re noticeably different.

You need to change the law. At the moment any police in the US who happen to shoot someone can say they genuinely thought it necessary, and as long as that can’t be disproven, they get off. You need to include a basic reasonableness test there too.

And these days they have the ‘Fight for Fifteen’ ethnic-cleansing campaign and tariffs. ‘Failed’ movements?!

It’s reasonable to want to be sure. There’s a meme of finding pictures of politicians mid-wave where it looks like they’re doing Nazi salutes.

Why do people believe in him, despite all the evidence to the contrary? Rich old white man, spent decades in Washington. But for some reason you think he’s some kind of alternative, rather than a racist-dog-whistler spouting populist economic mumbo-jumbo.

Isn’t there a difference between people who are ‘just’ prejudiced and those who are out-and-out racist? Racism may come from either, but clearly Bernie was talking about those who have been convinced by racist propaganda rather than those who have created it.

That was what mystified you? I was always mystified as to how a multi-millionaire old white man who’d spent decades in Washington had any plausibility as an anti-establishment/alternative figure.

On the one hand, it’s a long time to hold office. On the other hand, a) experience and b) why kick out the good ones and accept someone less good, just because some time has passed?

No, that’s not the problem you have - it’s something much bigger. As you tacitly acknowledge, you’re objecting to a President you don’t like getting to appoint judges to the Supreme Court because you don’t trust Supreme Court judges to be impartial or independent. Hello?!

McClean isn’t receiving very much abuse at all, apart from a small proportion of the crowd at the last match. (By modern standards, anyway - it’s just some idiots being nasty on the internet, for the most part.) The reasons are that: a) people are perfectly entitled to misunderstand the meaning of the poppy and refuse

It’s important to realise that the way our world works, people don’t discriminate against people so much, mostly they discriminate in favour of tall, light-skinned men and everyone else loses out in proportion to how much they’re unlike that one favoured type.

It depends where you’re talking about. In the US, what you say is absolutely true, but not in all other countries.

“wanting tax cuts Right Now”

You’re calling him a brexiteer despite any evidence of that. All he’s done is point out some of the things that have been said are utter bollocks, which is completely true.

That doesn’t render the point untrue. The UK economy was fucked by government idiocy for 15-20 years around the 70s, but was still not too badly off. Compared to almost any country in the world that is a minor blip. The UK has historically been one of the world’s most stable economies.

Passporting is a non-issue. The banks can open a mailbox address in the EU and continue business as normal.

“One of the likeliest outcomes of Brexit is the Japanese manufacturers moving production for the EU to a nation that stays within the EU”

‘Why didn’t you honk?’