
That’s some amazingly selective quoting. Let’s have a look at some of the other bits.

Just a note, the multiple vile comments from nutjobs telling me to kill myself and repeating e.g. the blood libel, have been dismissed and will continue to be so.

Of course there’s a huge difference. One there’s an internationally agreed definition of.

“Pangean up there didn’t mention the Holocaust. Like, at all.”

WTF are you babbling about? That’s a complete non sequitur. You’ve gone from ‘antisemitism is bad’ to ‘one must never criticise a Jewish person or anything they’ve done’. Which is, of course, an old antisemitic trope used to get rid of accusations of antisemitism.

Holocaust denial. You just did it, according to the IHRA. You’re a Holocaust denier. But of course you’re not anti-Semitic, just anti-Zionist...

This article is openly anti-Semitic, in obvious breach of the IHRA definition accepted round the world by everyone who’s not virulently anti-Semitic.

Why would you lie about something so silly? Wenger said it may have been a mistake for him personally, but he stayed because that was obviously better for Arsenal.

If you want to try and work out what he can possibly have been thinking, start by assuming that he thought everyone would agree with him. Why? Because he thought it was self-evident that no Westerner would live in Thailand unless they were a ‘pedo’. He was being both racist and also so out of touch with normal

Neckbeard calls feminist protesters ‘idiots’ shocka!

I have an MG F. On paper, going by 0-60 times, it’s significantly faster than a Mazda MX-5. In the real world, it’s a little faster.

“and the entire cycle we’ve all been on since the Iceland loss will repeat itself.”

ROFL. If the British had lost the Battle of Britain - regardless of how or why - the Nazis would have finished off their war in Western Europe before dealing with a single-front war against Russia. The war would have been over before Pearl Harbor and the US entry. The Nazis would have won.

Yes, but those norms are widely misunderstood by fans. You don’t attack a rival when he has a mechanical during a one-on-one or similar situation. If he’s unlucky enough to have one when there are multiple teams in the mix pushing the pace, the race doesn’t get neutralised.

That’s just fake news. Froome has had asthma since he was a kid. You can’t fake asthma. Salbutamol inhalers are not performance-enhancing. It’s not hard to know what’s what if you read real cycling news instead of clickbait.

The really weird part is that in fact lots of them are playing through much more major injuries that we can’t see. The referees reward the rolling around when they get a knock on pitch, though, so they keep doing it however daft.

In that case, it was probably the ‘journalist’ mashing the numpad at random. But more often it’s because they are set at a round number originally, and then rules say they’re increased by % a year, leaving unround numbers after a few years.

“what DeWalt is charging for one that will last years, sure”

The US makes more stuff now than then. Also, back then you had apartheid, so maybe think twice about harking back to those ‘golden’ days - it’s always been pretty good to be on top of an oppressed underclass, but we tend to frown on that kind of arrangement now.

“but at the very least, that should be good for the environment, right?”