Dave Crewe

"fits the music" is a critical point, I think. I watched this first with the sound off and the cuts are impossible to miss, but once you time them with the beat of the backing track the smoothness is retained.

I love both GY!BE and FB as background music ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Religious schools here have exemptions allowing them to discriminate in hiring/firing, whether it's only hiring people who are regular church attendees or firing people who don't fit the Christian ethos (which can be interpreted as queer lifestyle or even just living with a partner before marriage)

I'm in a workplace where you can be (legally) fired for coming out, so I wouldn't be too hasty about sunshine and lollipops and equality.

The whole point of the shower scene is how laughable it is that people would treat gender with such equality (see: Verhoeven's commentary). It's essentially a parody of the idea of perfect equality.

Ken's not on board

I sure hope someone got fired for that blunder

I sort of wish that last point had been clearer in the article! I'm not sure that I totally buy the notion that you trust Rust because of the medium close-ups (since we've spent a lot of time in medium close-ups with the detectives interviewing him without establishing much of a opinion towards them) but I definitely

Guessing they're talking about Arrested Development

I was waiting for someone to pose the inevitable "it's all a Christ metaphor" theory, especially after the discussion over at The Dissolve on the subject.


It was a real phrase that someone used in a Twitter conversation bagging on Harmon. But yeah, it's hard to not notice it and laugh after that episode

I really want to like Noah, but the trailer looks pretty dire to me. Awful special effects and a completely generic narrative. Hopefully whoever cut the trailer is to blame and not Aronofsky.

A. One of my favourite episodes in ages

I didn't like most of the first season all that much, but love the show now. Season 2 is the business.

I'm in lockstep with the article when it comes to Pennsatucky. Great performance, but her character - in particular her enmity for Piper - rang totally false to me, a contrived villain to give the show a reason to keep Piper in jail for a few more seasons.

Not sure I agree with the interpretation of the "Larry on NPR" scene, at least, not this statement: "Larry may mean well." Unless I'm remembering wrong, isn't one of the key aspects of the interview the way he makes it clear he's aware Piper is cheating on him with Alex, and he's deliberately getting back at her?

Great write-up, but I will defend Todd on one point: he knew that Masters didn't punch Ethan over Virginia, per this sentence: "I wanted to see more of [Ethan and Virginia] together, to get a better sense
of how this is going the second time around, rather than simply feeling
like it was thrown in there to provide a

@avclub-9cbac99b96b86db11c3cb9501e695e31:disqus yeah, the "winner" was just one of the hundreds who guessed Smithers chosen at random, and it turned out to be an old lady who wasn't even a fan of the show (hence declining to be animated into the show).

Yep, and the song was The Decemberists - "Infanta"