Dave Crewe

Australia (which is pretty beholden to English spelling conventions)

I thought the joke was that she'd spelled it wrong (since I've only ever seen it spelt "anaethesia"). Guess not!

It was certainly supposed to be a surprise - I recall Weiner warning all critics not to give away the twist. Of course, given how rigidly Weiner controls any information about Mad Men now, maybe that doesn't mean as much as I thought it meant back then…

And The Sopranos, which is laugh-out-loud funny regularly.

I found the part where he wasn't in that film especially funny.

Totally agreed - the terror bordering on absurdity (rather than overbearingly grim) makes it far scarier.

For me it's the shaving eyebrows scene. Can't explain why, but it sets my teeth on edge to the point where I can barely watch it.

For me what makes TCM so effective is that a scene like that is simultaneously terrifying and ridiculous at once. The way the film finds the middle ground between realism and comedic ridiculousness (remember, this is a film where the murderer is a large man who dresses in drag and pirouettes with a chainsaw) gives it

People always overestimate how much your average teenager knows about music. I had a class of 25 15 year olds last year, none of whom had ever heard of Radiohead.

As long as he kills her via hurricane