Dave Crewe

The Dag wasn't pregnant, guys.

I had a TV - back in like, early-2000s - that would do this. I just assumed it was still a common setting.

See, there's your mistake! If you'd watched more than 1/5 of the movie you'd realise that The Great Budapest Hotel was the knock-off from Wes Anderson's Mexican non-union equivalent.

I wish the kitchen fight scene from The Raid 2 had been in a leaner film like its predecessor; there are some fantastic scenes in the sequel but they have the misfortune of being crammed into an unwieldy, unoriginal gangster narrative.

"When Dana sneered "Me? A virgin?" and the Director quipped "We work with
what we have." I was hoping for some commentary on changing social
mores, but alas, it's just another smart-aleck remark."

Or maybe movie scores can be used in a range of different ways rather than one narrow and prescriptive way idk

I don't buy the "it was too brutal" argument. If anything, it pulls its punches when compared to Northup's autobiography. I think the best thing about the film is that McQueen refuses to indulge in miserabilia or catharsis; when it ends, of course it doesn't feel especially joyful. How could it, with Patsey - and

There's totally a DVD release (if you bother with a region-free player as any self-respecting nerd should). Except that the distributors (Umbrella) bizarrely left the special features off the DVD, so maybe waiting for a non-Aussie re-release is the way to go.

Also Jill Murray's "Worst Witch" series, which is basically Harry Potter if Harry Potter was useless at everything (and a girl).

Bleedin' Gums Murphy had a Cosby Show cameo, too; that might get cut for the same reason?

I'm really eager to see a coherent defense of this film, because I fuckin' hated it. This wasn't esepcially convincing, sadly.

It's also worth noting that it's Best Foreign Language Film, not Best Foreign Film (Australia did actually put a film forward this year, though, as Charlie's Country qualified. Didn't make the shortlist, though).

Well, the official tagline is #OneLastTime (they left out the sigh)

I'd assumed he was referring to DiCaprio's character willingly choosing oblivion rather than the late 'twist'.

The Babadook? Oculus? It Follows? (that's from 2014 alone) There are good horror films out there, and just because there's a lot of terrible stuff as well doesn't justify dismissing the whole genre. *shrug*

I liked most of the write-ups (especially the one on the Indian album), but it seems kind of a cop-out to say "there's no critical consensus on the great albums of this year so we're not going to rock the boat!"

It's pretty easy to access Netflix from Australia, despite the fact that it's not out here yet.

Kinnear is pretty tragic and mostly asexual. Pacino's arc is most definitely tragic. There are outliers, sure, but I'm not convinced those two are among them.

Frosted tips was definitely a late 90s thing; I can remember thinking at the time "This will be the bad fashion trend we remember this decade for" (I wasn't 100% right on that, clearly)