Well, after he made sure all the US nuclear secrets were sold to the Saudis & he got his cut, sure
Well, after he made sure all the US nuclear secrets were sold to the Saudis & he got his cut, sure
NFL games aren’t worth it most of the time, anyway. I’ve been to a big rivalry game or playoff game with real stakes, and those are different, but your run of the mill regular season game is an exercise in dodging fat, blackout drunk idiots pissing into sinks and on walls because the urinal line is too long, and…
Um hello--haven’t you considered the 20 minute walk of shame to and from the Morgan Avenue blue line station? Your kids will love it!
“These Nationals games are getting too expensive, and it’s time to send a message to ownership! From now on I’ll be getting blackout drunk on beer at home!”
Eh, he was an attorney for a couple of years, then he was in the Reserves. Neither of those positions had him in a combat situation, so Lindsay can go JAG-off.
Who would be an acceptable Dem candidate? I don’t think Biden is ideal but it seems that Splinter’s schtick is to yell that everyone is too bad to be supportable but without pushing a viable alternative.
so damned if he does the right things, and damned he doesn’t. Attacking Biden for doing the right thing on speaking fees and corporate money is just odd when you can just debate and question the merits of his voting record, his ties to banks and the Anita Hill stuff on their own, it smacks of a hit piece
Biden is not perfect by a long shot, but he would be 1,000 times better than Trump.
No one will ever be acceptable to Splinter except Saint Bernie. This type of rant article is going to get old fast.
Or - and I’m just tossing this out there - we prosecute the fuck out of all these criminals because a third of our voters are racists who don’t need an excuse to vote for the biggest piece of shit they can find and will claim any justification available for their vote.
I have had to strike numerous times in my work career. I did it in solidarity with my coworkers, we survived and we were better off afterwards. Because we strike, our employers, who refuse to respect us, have to fear us.
It will be a quick two years. The Senate is being flipped in 2020, starting with Susan Collins.
I think there are people who genuinely feel she doesn’t align with progressive values, and a lot of the time I agree (although as I said in another comment I can’t come up with someone I want in that position MORE in my head right now). But you have definitely hit on something I am also seeing. Pelosi can’t open her…
The reasons people hate Pelosi are pretty nebulous and stupid, and definitely remind me of the nebulous and stupid reasons people hate Hillary. People just hate, HATE crones, man! They’ll come up with any dumb justification they need, left or right, but people just straight up loathe old ladies who dare to claim their…
We also set up an echo with voice command for my FIL which came in handy when he fell and broke his hip - he was able to call my husband by yelling “ALEXA CALL SON” which came in handy
PF Changs is what provincial white people think Chinese food is. Sorry...I call it like I see it. The beef lo mein is tasty, though.
Massive wealth controlled by a small number of people almost always breeds corruption. The correlation between oil-rich nations and despotic governments is an interesting one.
Kavanaugh rudely interrupting woman trying to speak. I’m so surprised.
Every court case hinges on five things: The wording of the law, congress’ intent passing the law, the constitution, the framers’ intent writing the constitution, and the facts of the case.
The Court can strike an application of a law down on many factors: “That’s not what the law actually says” is fairly common,…
Remember, ladies, that you have to record the things he’s gonna do towards you or nobody will believe you.