
My mother had dementia and lasted five years longer than where Trump is now. The resemblance is uncanny. Her vocabulary steadily diminished. She began slurring multi-syllable words. She retreated to referring to people (real and imagined) almost entirely in generic terms, as “they” and “them.” She made up wild stories

It’s dementia rearing it’s ugly head. It must be harder for his aides to give him his medicine now since he can’t trust any of them.

Now playing

Warm your hearts with this video of future president Kamala Harris knifing Kavanaugh in the belly and gutting him like a fish.

And man, this. Wow:

On a somewhat related note I have emailed my useless republican senator, Rob Portman, who has taken lots of rubles from the NRA. I said, if either of my kids are killed in a school shooting, I expect him to show up and the funeral and explain to me and my family why we can’t have gun control.

Again with the projection! It really is the clarion call of the wingnut.

They’ll bend over backwards to avoid triggering him— that entire workplace is a 24/7 Stockholm Syndrome Channel, I think.

And again, 45's doing all that projecting:

From what I understand. He has memos, documents and emails and he recorded everyone he talked to who is quoted in the book. The person claimed to be in the room so everything is basically first hand. Could they have been making stuff up. Possible. But I would bet that Woodward has corroborating stories from others

In a better world, these assholes would murder each other instead of petulant, passive-aggressive bitching.

He’s Bob fucking Woodward. If he put it in a book, he can defend it. This guy has gotten the inside scoop on every presidency since Nixon, and his books have a stamp of authenticity that nobody else can match.

Yeah I’m sure it’s a coincidence how everyone in Trump’s orbit keeps being indicted, pleading guilty, or accepting immunity agreements. I’m sure the indictments of all the democrats are coming any day now. 

“Monkey it up” is not a phrase that anybody, anywhere, has ever used. Except DeSantis, regarding his black opponent.

Lol of course Beto was the bassist. That means he'll be a good politician who just wants everyone to get along and will stop fights and provide a strong foundation for everybody to be at their best.

I worked for J Crew (corporate) in the early 90s. Their clothes USED to be very high quality. I still own sweaters and jackets from my time with them, and they look like new. High quality fabrics well sewn. That’s what people paid their high prices for back in the day.

It’s really nothing new. They largely worshipped Reagan and called Jimmy Carter a sissy, despite the fact Carter graduated near the top of his class at the Naval Academy and was one of the earliest officers in the nuclear submarine fleet. While Ron’s main military credentials were being in Hollywood pretending to play

#NastyWoman Susan Collins is so angry that she’s going to vote for Kavanaugh twice just to show them.

What is it with Duke churning out white Nationalists? Richard Spencer, Steven Miller...and now this tool.