
This seems like a lot of wasted ink trying to confirm that Kavanaugh is, in fact, a lawyer that graduated law school, is currently a judge, and otherwise generally meets the minimum requirements for Supreme Court Justice. Thanks for the resume update, gentlemen.

If they had to admit constitutional law is a crock of shit which justices use as a fig leaf to hide their political machinations, then the con law “scholars’” jobs would be pretty useless. Who needs to pay someone 300k a year to teach a couple of classes and write a few law review articles about something everyone

Nah, Garland would have easily been confirmed.

The preeminent? Just because someone gets a job at YLS in an era where the competition was comprised of being anointed by existing faculty does not a great scholar makes. Amar is a classic case of the self-fulfilling prophecy of such faculty hiring practices. If he hadn’t been so many people who went on into the legal

Know your history!

The ACA spent a year in committee in both houses, and republicans were allowed to contribute many amendments, many of which made into the bill as passed. There were no surprise late night votes, no secret committee hearings.  It was all done transparently.  They made every attempt to act in good faith.  All that

Ted Nugent refused because they wouldn’t let him tear the sleeves off his judicial robes.

I’m a lawyer. Amar co-wrote my law school constitutional law textbook with my own constitutional law professor. This pick is a disaster. Scholars love to to pretend that SCOTUS justices make decisions based on the law and not on ideology, but that is maybe only true for the non-partisan cases about boring stuff.

It’s always on the democrats, and democrats only, to act in good will, to give benefit of the doubt, to weigh all pros and cons, in other words to be reasonable.  But no one expects republicans to be the same, they just carry on being batshit as usual, and no one holds them to any sort of expectations.  

Akhil Amar is not a dummy (his work on the Reconstruction Amendments is vitally important) but yeah, this is such an ivory-tower take even elephant poachers are disgusted. This is another call for “civility!” in an uncivil time and as such wildly off the mark.

You just need to be ruthless with this motherfucker in questioning.

He won’t recuse himself. He’s a total hypocrite. He worked for Kenneth Starr during the Clinton investigation. 

This decision is doubly gross for me because I know where and how Kavanaugh grew up. In DC, in an Irish Catholic family, with more respect for priests than practically anyone else on earth.


“Both parties are the same!”

Jesus. I got nothing, this is horrific. Do the family have a kickstarter or anything to fund legal action, I’ll kick in funds if they do.

Look upon the end results of capitalism. Human life is less important than money.

We live in an evil world and I hope the human race gets knocked out by an asteroid.

This is what happens when compassion becomes a rare commodity in society...

I work with a company that’s tried to provide administration services for charter schools (ie Devos’s pets). That project is mostly defunct because reasons but for the clients we had it was clear they have no idea how to actually run schools, either to teach, administer, or even operate.