
Yeah I know, me and my ca-raaaazay librul fantasies. You know what isn’t a fantasy?

The rich and wealthy in NYC have always thought themselves the real capital of the U.S. and their arrogance, ignorance and spiteful pettiness makes the crowd in D.C. look downright humble.

HA! Whether it’ll ever be made publicly available I wouldn’t know. There are some things intelligence services like to keep to themselves “for a rainy day” (read, threat as pressure). Then again they could just decide to humiliate him into his grave because they despise him so much.

You echo my sentiments exactly. For the first time in my life I’m afraid of this country. As a black man I’m afraid of driving my car. I’m afraid of a lot of things I was never afraid of before. Most of all I’m afraid of losing this democracy. Too much blood has been spilled building this country and fighting to make

Rudy doesn’t know shit. I was required to attend a “professional business conference” called “Get Motivated” in around 2010. (I have strong opinions about this conference but will stick to the Guiliani topic) What a joke, dude was speaking in a stadium of 20k professionals mostly from tech companies and his take-away

Are you kidding? Whenever I need a lesson in morals my first stop is an old Catholic dude with multiple divorces. They’re such good people.

I watched him and Judith Nathan (mistress/wife #3) press the button to drop the ball in Times Square on NYE 2001. I was drunk and shouting at the tv “4 months ago everyone hated you, you only get to do this because you were unafraid to walk the streets after some buildings collapsed.” and then a rant about how NYFD

Make no mistake, the Intelligence Community has the goods on EVERYONE in Trump’s orbit...EVERYONE. And they will absolutely destroy Trump for what he said and because he’s a threat to America’s reputation and to national security. These people see themselves as the last resort in case either party fails to uphold

Smoke and mirrors. None of this came innocently from social media. All of this is coming directly from the Intelligence Community who Trump made the stupid, fatal mistake of berating and belittling ON FOREIGN SOIL no less, soon after his inauguration...even referring to them as Nazis. Make no mistake, the Intelligence

I’m from Harlem, born in late spring 82. I fucking hate Guiliani and never forget his shenanigans.

Think about baseball, think about baseball, think about baseball, ...

At no point during that video did I hear either man say “no homo”.

When the Warriors win tonight, I hope Deadspin puts together a similar montage of their fans disrupting the celebration paradigm by raising rents and giving excited speeches about cryptocurrencies.

This is beautiful. Thank you.

I try to explain this to my family that lives across the country: there’s no way to get any psychological distance from the administration’s actions. The way the bad stories in the local news make most people feel? That’s how D.C. residents feel about every one of Chief Cheeto’s moves. We all know people who are

DC resident here, though not a huge Caps fan (but I hopped on the bandwagon over the last month, because of fucking course I did).

It’s been well-documented that DC sports fans haven’t tasted a championship in 30+ years despite having some quality teams during that period (particularly in the last 5 years with the

I still can’t fucking believe it. This is the second biggest dream of my life coming true.