
Think about baseball, think about baseball, think about baseball, ...

At no point during that video did I hear either man say “no homo”.

When the Warriors win tonight, I hope Deadspin puts together a similar montage of their fans disrupting the celebration paradigm by raising rents and giving excited speeches about cryptocurrencies.

This is beautiful. Thank you.

I try to explain this to my family that lives across the country: there’s no way to get any psychological distance from the administration’s actions. The way the bad stories in the local news make most people feel? That’s how D.C. residents feel about every one of Chief Cheeto’s moves. We all know people who are

Alright, sure. Big guy, tall and uh broad... not fast. He was so good (compared to us scrubs anyways) that his position was Middle. Just always in the middle. The game just always moved around him, and he looked like he played in slow motion. It was so easy to play with him, get him the puck, move to an open area

DC resident here, though not a huge Caps fan (but I hopped on the bandwagon over the last month, because of fucking course I did).

It’s been well-documented that DC sports fans haven’t tasted a championship in 30+ years despite having some quality teams during that period (particularly in the last 5 years with the

I still can’t fucking believe it. This is the second biggest dream of my life coming true.

No, I mean this sincerely, I legit am here for the scouting report on Tim Oshie, give me more.

Played with and against Tim in rec leagues wayyyy back in the day. Amazing dude, and he had the best hands. Super heavy shot from what looked to be a slow swing. He just always pured it. Anyways, I don’t know why I am giving a scouting report, just trying to delay crying...

That’s why I’m so split on this. Do I think Brock Turner deserved a harsher sentence? Absolutely. As someone with a massive public defender streak, do I want to ensure that judges generally give light sentences to first-time offenders and avoid giving harsh sentences in highly-publicized cases? Absolutely.

This is absolutely a deliberate “fuck you” to this family. I served on a jury where we did this once (in a very different kind of case). Our verdict was, “yeah, you’re probably right but we just don’t like you” so we awarded the plaintiff court fees. They were absolutely sending a message with that shit. The really

Fuck you Sarah, and your boss too.

Melania likely has had enough of all this and would like to go back to being a Lady Who Lunches. Preferably in NYC.

At first she was going to be in the hospital for 3 days; and then it was a week-long stay.

Sounds like a suicide attempt to me. A 72 hour hold for observation is typical and then a week once the doctors decided it was pretty serious.

Considering how in the Trump White House, where there is smoke there is almost always fire; it wouldn’t surprise me if the rumors of Trump doing something (like beating her up) and driving her back to New York are true.

So Saban’s essential position is “I could be a decent person but I’d rather be a dick until I get forced by someone to do the right thing. That way I can play the victim card.” Got it.