
One, yeah, I’d call it “poor man’s sous vide”, too. Have you seen what those damned things cost? I can see there being a strata of Americans who can totally afford a dishwasher, but not a sous vide cooker. Not that it justifies this; I’m just saying.

For $2m less than Chris Pratt, I hope Bryce Dallas Howard at least gets to wear flats this time.

Univision Is A Fucking Mess

This is the story of how corporate raiding, complacency, excess, and incompetence are gutting a media company that

Difference is, Clinton was also a good attorney, and Trump is....decidedly not. Clinton was saved by his ability to testify and [arguably] successfully debate the meaning of the word “is.” Trump literally cannot complete a coherent sentence. I don’t care how good he is, Flood is getting in over his head with this

This is true.

Oh please, it won’t move the needle. The Bible thumper crowd already twisted their morality into pretzels trying to justify their support for a guy who bangs mistresses while his wife is at home with a newborn, what’s an abortion or two between friends?

He is standing, alone on the wall, defending us against the ever-encroaching threat of nature.

“You’re damn right I stole everything I could get my hands on...and I’d do it again”!

“You have the luxury of not knowing what I know — that flying first class, while extravagant, probably saved lives; and my existence, while grotesque and incomprehensible to you, saves lives.”

Damn you Al Franken, you could have been my Tom Cruise in this movie!

“You want the truth?! You can’t handle the truth!”

Personally I’m hoping he has a ‘Network’ style “I’m mad as hell and I’m not going to take thie anymore!” meltdown in front of Congress.

Dear Republicans:

Would It Shock You to Learn That Donald Trump Has Been Lying About Money Everything Since the Early ‘80s He Learned to Speak?

If he fires Rosenstein (as the beginning of a chain of events that lead to the firing of Mueller), it’ll be the stupidest thing he’s done so far. It will be a GIANT add-on to the heap of evidence in his obstruction case. I realize Trump has come out largely unscathed, but here’s why:


White collar criminal defense attorney here: subject is a catch-all category that the DOJ uses for 95% of people they are interested in interviewing. The other alternatives are target (substantial evidence linking them to a crime) and witness (no real exposure). The DOJ basically never categorizes people as a witness

This is just to sucker Trump in. Mueller has no reason to tell Trump the truth, and I’m sure there’s 50 ways of splitting legalese in investigating someone that’s “not a subject”.