they can't even afford curtains
they can't even afford curtains
That pic with the POTUS, his arm around in a loving embrace, is all the attach ad you need.
Jerry Rice fumble
Be right back. I'm looking up Elizabeth Berkley nudes.
My doctor wanted a urine a sample, a sperm sample, and a stool sample. I just left him my underwear. HEY OOOO (I'll let myself out.)
North Carolina their drinks come in those stupid air plane bottles
Hurt like hell. It felt like the Dr was pulling my insides out.
I watch movies alone. I even play movie roulette and go into the next movie showing (as long as its not a kid's movie, which would be pedocreepy for an old man sitting along in a kids movie). Once, only once, I invited a friend to go along. The idiot wanted to sit on the front row. How does someone do that? Obviously…
Do all of the news people jack off to Obama or just most of them?
107 years. Damn that's a level of shittiness.
and my name is two dogs.
didn't even get a reacharound
showed up with 13 year old cousin?
Anyone can get pregnant and a few people grow old but heros serve our country
it got really bad when the freshmen kept showing up at the crime scene the same time everyday.
Reggie Collier
This is crappy reporting. Does she get out of the car now or not?
Director - "ok tell me. You got the jar for insertion. What did it say on the label?"
Won't happen, he's bro-tected.