wasn't it a cousins friend that had been to the house for her birthday party or some shit? So yeah, he hadn't divorced himself.
wasn't it a cousins friend that had been to the house for her birthday party or some shit? So yeah, he hadn't divorced himself.
She went to check on him? She wasn't with. That's odd behavior for newlyweds.
they should have been yelling at that defense
you do it and let me know how it works out. What time does Austin Davis play?
Throw the Book at him.
there goes more bandwidth used on NOT football.
Fuck that. Arrests are too subjective. Which team has spawned the most rugrats?
Actress most "wacked off" to? I say Susan Dey over Farrah.
unwritten rule: if anyone gets near your mound, you pluck 'em.
Austin Davis is the man.
Err. Wait. He did what? Oh, never mind.
let's get it over with? How'd he learn my wife's bedroom talk?
Since they started testing he's been average.
wun'erful wun'erful. Turn off the bubble machine.
What I got from this is our immigration sucks.
but= Behold the Underlying Truth. Or, forget everything I just said , here comes what I really think.
He tried "some of my best friends are women."
nope. Democrat. But it should be spelled Dhimmicrat.
not as funny as the time Joe Biden said you can't go to 7-11 or dunkin donut without Indian accent
Nice pic. I now know where you can score meth while in Oregon.