
as bad as the ad really is, I do miss google maps...

Except they are not being prosecuted under New Zealand law, but under US law. Normally in a situation where they became detained by a foreign country and were awaiting extradition they would be granted bail and expected to return to the US for a hearing, at their own cost. It is complete bs for them to be denied

If you don't think it is their responsibility then you must have no human compassion. In every era it has come to be. It is the reason government was formed, to protect those who cannot protect themselves. It is my responsibility, yours, theirs, the poors, everyones. If we as humans do not look after eachother, do

Its pretty ridiculous that these IP right holders do not attempt to solve these issues on their own. The problem is a poor business model. The reason sites like this are popular are because they are unique in providing content quickly and easily. If content was available directly from the holders it would not

anyone happen to know the bill's number so i can add it to my THOMAS?

I live off of minute maid OJ, and yes I'm a little scared right now

the entire map should be covered with drug trafficking symbols, as well as sex trafficking ones not just the us borders.

very impressive design, one of the first not to be a copy, and it looks great. who would have thought, acer's have been looking pretty clunky until recently.

it is unlimited on network, meaing you get unlimited sprint internet with sprint, you do not however get unlimited verizon internet with sprint.

there is extensive web content at 4k resolution, youtube has a lot of 4k content

That same line is in every cellular service contract. If you abuse specific unlimited provisions they reserve the right to terminate your service. It is explicitly mentioned for conference calling using night/weekend/mobile2mobile minutes, texting, and data usage. Doesn't happen to often.

as does my moms epic touch... cracked like an egg

I did not say they do not work hard or didn't earn their money, that has nothing to do with it. It's not more than I decide, it really doesn't take $100,000 a year per person to live a confortable life. And I'm talking about those making $1,000,000 a year. It is their responsibility to protect others who CANNOT

Some religions have circomvented laws for polygamy as well as the marraige age, religious protection overrides many laws, especially nonviolent ones. sharing can easily be one of them

With rum its an angry chameleon

1. They have a windows phone (1 of the 2 CDMA ones in the world)

Well of course they don't care about previous generations, then why would you need to buy the new generaiton? And I haven't had a chance to use ICS yet so idk, but hopefully it will. Android is definitely faster at running and launching well built apps, thanks to the ability to use better processors. The benefit

Thats the problem, the sword of 1000 truths has the unbannable aura, making you and your entire party unbannable... gg

Your missing the point, the 4 runs buttery smooth on a single core as well, the original Pre ran buttery smooth on 600MHz. Its not just about the OS, its about the other potential as well. Dual core improves battery life for one. Another is the potential to play much much higher resolution games. Have you seen

Makes sense for my bandwidth, but not for my eye sight. I see the message on every page, thats what I was referring to. Also, I don't even remember what ads look like in a browser, thanks ABP.