
Yea it was a pretty useless lawsuit as it only affected old devices which really aren't sold in the US anymore (maybe sold in cheaper markets but that doesn't matter). Yea, laptops touchpads used to use the right edge and bottom edge for scrolling, but then apple came up with an easier method, which everyone adopted

Except there is an obvious reason for that contempt. If I were apart of the 1% I would not be using my money to make sure that my wealth was safe at the destruction of those who are worse off. I really like what Louis C.K. said about money. "I never viewed money as being "my money" I always saw it as "The money"

Yes of course, but that doesn't matter. I could almost guarantee you that all of those things I mentioned were patented before too. There becomes a point to where something becomes so obvious and useful that it is not in the best interest of the consumer of innovation for it to be limited to a patent holder.

I would much rather them not have ads and ask for donations, but the wiki asks on every page, its jus as bad as an ad..

Are you going to post Apple's New XXXXXX Store Might Be the Best Yet everytime apple opens a new store? Seriously the third time in the past few months I've read this same title with different store locations...

Thats like saying dude your poor, but if you could be rich you would. Actually, it is saying that.

amazon doesn't send bombs instead of video games though, your thinking of alqeadazon

Dude, its been serious, and they won't even give you a reach around...

Well nothing is obvious until it is used. It wasn't obvious how to chance the channel on a TV until everyone knew there was a dial, then buttons, then a remote. It is honestly no different than using a back arrow to represent going back one page in an internet browser. No different than right clicking for more

I saw a commercial at a movie theater today on how Kinect was being used outside of gaming, they showed a couple examples (didn't talk about them, just showed them). This is really quite amazing, and this is just the beginning. I really would like to applaud the scientists, this is a really great use of Kinect.

This is kinda ASUS's fault, motorola/verizon feared this from Lucas Arts so before they launched the OG Droid they cut a deal with them to use the name. They note at the bottom of ads that Droid is a Lucas Arts TM. It was a courtesy, they could have used it and got away with it if they didn't, definitely no

You didn't answer the question. I think one could easily argue that any mobile OS should be able to detect a phone number without question. That is obvious. Why wouldn't a GPS navigation device not detect a street address, why would an email client not detect an email? Again, these are all completely obvious,

I don't think the iPad2 is to thin, had both and its perfect IMO. The rounded bottom, thinness, and weight are perfect. Any thinner and any lighter and it just wouldn't work for me.

Then would you not agree that from the internet's mass use of hyperlinks to do just that, that this is an obvious function, thereby invalidating apple's patent?

email me, my name at gmail, and i will forward you my email to all of them and you can reply all them all as well.

The way its highlighted in software code or the way it is highlighted in the UX? If it is the UX, then it is not unique as it looks just like every other hyperlink, underlined and in blue. It is also obvious, as yet again people are used to seeing a hyperlink and being able to click it.

patents need to be two things, not obvious, and unique (no one did it before you) while apple may have been the first to do it on a smartphone they were not the first to do it. All it is is a hyperlink, that has been used on the web for as long as anyone can remember. It is not unique. Tell me what your first

its a reference design to show the power of the chip... it will never be sold, why waste time and money trying to make it thinner?

quick, someone call the lawyers of everyone who they sued and tell them that this defense is impenetrable.

thought that they were just seeking a seek and desist, not "damages", as they probably wouldn't win damages if htc was able to fix it in a timely matter.