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No - he was jamming the brake, hence the back wheels locked up.  The software decided to keep the power on to the front wheels though...

You forgot an option. Many are both raising prices AND introducing ads. Even the ad-supported plans are going up in price. 

And doesn't each truck have a multitude of cameras to capture events just like this? 

From what I’m seeing and reading, yes... Truck did what it was told to do... User was a dumb ass...

It’s almost a Giuliani-level reversal of public goodwill, and it’s similarly, entirely self-inflicted.

Your CT does not believe in hesitation. Your CT believes that real leaders make bold decisions and move forward. Your CT believes in you. As a result, the accelerator may or may not disengage when the brake is depressed if your CT believes that stopping will leave you short of achieving your full potential.

While I don’t assume that’s true, your comment did make me think of the old white guy who said that his driveway was vandalized by Black teens. It said “Blacks Rule” in spray paint. Totally believable graffiti, sounded exactly like the type of thing young people would say. 

Just realized if you take the “uck” out of “F—- Elon”, you get Felon.

“Garth Ennis-Darick Richardson”

That’s Darick ROBERTSON, which you had correct later in the article.

Hmm, I think banging your head against the wall for two hours will be more productive. Trump debates like pidgeons play chess. 

False equivalence. It’s a fucking shame that these are the two only options for President in a country of 330 million people. However, you cannot equate Biden with Trump. Biden was trying to be respectful in 2020 during the debates. Trump has zero class or decorum. He just doesn’t shut up. He doesn’t possess the

Whatever they actually say in policy doesn’t matter, especially with Trump. What matters is whether Trump comes across as being very visibly in decline or dementia, in a way that goes below even the very low expectations for him going into the debate. 

The problem is not that they´re using AI but that they´re using AI and claiming it as their own work and not mentioning it is AI.

I could get on board with some more soulless Sam, but with superpowers now. 

Somewhere in my mind, is a supernatural multivariate where Bobby Singer becomes president, and maybe the Winchester boys get to cross over into the supe world through some plot device from Cass (maybe I just want more Mischa Collins in my life).

with custom art made by artist Dylan Cole”

Wow, the conspiracy goes REALLY far back! Definitely freemasons.

People also still think Columbus discovered the Earth was round.

To be fair, nor do reality shows.