I get the artistic desire to be avant-garde with art styles, but this drawing style isn’t doing much for me.
I get the artistic desire to be avant-garde with art styles, but this drawing style isn’t doing much for me.
At least know he knows where all the wine was disappearing to!
$30 billion is a large acquisition to shove into the Google Graveyard.
I think that part of the problem isn’t just that Spotify was dropping service very soon after selling it to unknowing customers, but that they also made sure that the device couldn’t be used in any other way.
Yep, as the years roll on, and the occasional obituary of a classmate or friend becomes a more regular than occasional event, you realize that you’re now “a survivor” of your generation. (I took that somber thought when I kept seeing way too young obits for Covid victims)
Police cars with a silhouette of a cop with a speed tracking gun every 1/2 mile, even if a cop isn’t actually in the vehicle. Make them randomly manned.
Ok boomer.
15 years old, died in 2006, was born 1990 or 1991? that’s Millennial.
If Chevy can overcome the inertia of being a major corporation with a flock of dividend-hungry investor-class “skeletonize the company for a quick payday” vampires on its neck, then perhaps they could pull a Toyota on the market, getting a ton of cheap, but durable EVs in that make the other companies run to their…
Does that “Sure, we’ll behave really, really good!” promise ever get lived up to from the newly-formed monopoly?
Oh great, now Arr2Pew2 is in love with Eddie Vedder!
I’m doing my reply to this person this way in order to avoid having them out of the greys for Jezebel-related reasons.
Idris Elba in Star Trek: Beyond comes to mind as well.
Why? Because Gaiman?
Well, better get that Universal Basic Income going now!
Half of each. While “Tom’s do-it-yourself Space Telescope” isn’t going to be available in Walmart today, the companies that NASA contracts with for this kind of work shouldn’t be allowed to leave the state of manufacture and assembly in such a way as to prevent cost-effective follow-up on a product.
I’ll ask for the Impossible or Beyond burgers in that case...
And if you happen to create a rainbow with your garden hose while watering your plants?
Blamed the price increase on inflation.