
Funny you should mention that. In 2017, a guy named Fred Ashmore (along with a co-driver) loaded his P71-powered ‘63 Ford Galaxy with a few snacks, a couple of piss funnels and... wait for it... a 187-gallon fuel tank he had to jam into the back seat by cutting off and reattaching the roof. He and his co-driver made

That’s cold.

Didn’t West Virginia also pass a rule about a year ago that took away its generous EV tax credit? It was formerly the state with the top EV tax credit ($7,500 state income), and then POOF! It may have been restored though; I’m not sure.

....you missed the part where there was a car parked in the middle of the goddamn road immediately following a blind turn.

This. I'm so sick of this sanctimonious horsehshit on here. Whine and complain about the "lack of connection or feel" in street legal factory cars, but then when ANYONE dares to drive spiritedly, it's posted on here and roasted by a bunch of people who apparently drive just under the speed limit everywhere they go,

This is America. How in the world would the whitehouse have any legal standing to stop a show from bein aired. Please move to some shithole country where the central government determines what is fit for public consumption.

Enjoy prison? For using the gas pedal? Get off car blogs you sadistic moron. There should be punishment but not like this.

People also don't seem to realize that studies have shown the harsh conditions and longer sentences increase crime.

There is a large percentage of people (especially in the US) that seem to think that anyone committing any crime for any reason deserve to get the death penalty. They seem to think that stealing a purse should equal a life sentence.

I know popular opinion here is that he should be drawn and quartered, but seriously, the normal speed video just looks 'quick', not dangerously fast. He was conscious of other traffic and as far as I could tell, no more dangerous than your average NYC cab driver. Worth a fine, absolutely. But not at all worth jail

In addition to the statutes that heeltoehero mentioned, there is no indisputable record of who was driving and when. Without being able to identify who drove through your state, how could you make a charge stick?

130 mph is nothing in these cars, and certainly also not hard to achieve on many of the roads they used. Being scared of speed is part of why we have the problems we do with driver education in this country. Is it super duper safe? No. Is it guaranteed fiery death? Absolutely not.