
In case you were wondering how this was received:

The more you learn about the stock market, the more it’s clear that that shit is entirely fiction

They are always calling out progressive people for not having a spine. We started calling out people for literally funding our misery. I’m over it. He’s rich and he’ll be alright. Maybe he can write a book about it and go on FOX. If he wanted to avoid politics he wouldn’t donate to politicians. If someone calls me out

“I choose to remove myself from criticism, while still earning money from any new Freddy’s games that come out. Conveniently, since I won’t be the public face anymore, many who might have hesitated to buy them will decide that this makes it fine to again. Even though I’ll still get the money and almost certainly still

He’s either a liar or ignorant. 

It makes me sad to see a PS2 sitting on a garbage pile. I was a teenager when they first launched, and it was pretty much impossible to find one. Online ordering wasn’t really a thing back then, so that meant I had to call brick & mortar retail stores every morning asking if they got any. The day somebody finally said

Don’t blame the plow guy; I know a few guys who run plows for the DOT, and they’re saints. When everyone else is hiding from the storm, they’re headed straight into it in very old trucks. Plowing is an art, and the good plow guys take it super seriously.

To be fair, not every light on the BMW’s dash is illuminated.

There’s no other way to complete the quest.  That’s actually one of the issues I have with these side quests.  Some of them seem to imply that there are other ways of completing them, but there actually aren’t.  I left the one with the little girl waiting for her father to come home before the leaves fall from the

My mom tells a story about my Nana‘s reaction to Reagan becoming president. Nana was a teen/young adult during the depression, and her dad spent day after day wandering New York, looking for a job. They were dirt poor until about 1947.

This isnt a review of a game, it’s an editorial. Maybe the fact you can’t even discern that is proof enough you weren’t paying attention in the 80s. 

“I lived them, it wasn’t so bad” - probably because you’re the exact type of person Reagan and his administration liked - a white, straight, neurotypical , middle class American man. I know it’s the big scary no-no word these days, but y’know what that’s called? Privilege. It’s best you start recognizing you lived a

Any time you hear about something incredibly corrupt destroying American lives, turns out Reagan helped it get there. 

It’s clearly that stuff from The 5th Element that drips down Zorg’s forehead when he talks to “Mr. Shadow.”

But did you use it to race techno barbarians in planes? Since there’s no twin turbo to kick in, I hope you didn’t risk it.

Now THAT’S a Jalop story!

Since high school i dreamt of the z32. Finally got one w/ low miles last month and i cant stop looking at it :stupid drool face:

My Favorite use of the “Professional driver on a closed course. Please do not attempt.” is on a Sienna commercial when the family drives out of a fog bank.  Is Toyota telling me I can’t drive out of fog.

No shit they complained. Not once in that ad did I see “Professional driver on a closed course. Please do not attempt.”