Dave who likes music

I'm totally reading this on my cellphone :/

CHALLENGE: When posting a picture of yourself (or, for the old fashioned, showing a picture of yourself), I encourage everyone to avoid the following

Exactly, and if it was in a better state this might have been prevented.

Empty juice bottle...or Portkey back to Michigan State? You decide.

And a staggeringly large number of people from Europe and South America have died because of this shebang where two sets of people maneuver a inflated sphere of pigskin with their feet. And it's the Quidditch people who are crazy?

people don't need to ask to do research on BRCA2 as long as they're using actual human parts containing BRCA2. the patent holder has the right to refuse a license to anyone attempting to isolate the gene for research purposes (which would make their efforts exponentially more effective

Some of the information in that article is untrue. People are patenting the rights for genetic testing of genes, not the genes themselves. It's a fine line, but it is a line. People do not need to ask to do research on BRCA2. People do need to ask to make a commercially available genetic screening kit for BRCA2.

Well, that's not really accurate. A patent on a gene does not affect basic research; a pubmed search returns over 6000 papers on BRCA2. Since this is a naturally occurring sequence in the genome and not man-made, anyone can perform research on it. The issues that are being debated are the *applications* of the gene;

Ha! Something tells me those sunglasses aren't just for filtering out the harsh light of day. Eyes being the mirror of the soul and all, I've *already* shifted into despair mode. :-)))

Now playing

What is it with road rage assholes and penises?

Accurate. The worst hangover I ever had was from mixing about 7 types of alcohol (counting the next morning made everything worse). It lasted so long I thought I had the flu and called my mom. She told me to stop drinking so much.

there's really no way out of the multi-booze-type hangover. honest-to-Bob, if there are youngsters reading this who have yet to experience this terror, take heed: more categories of beverage will hit you much, much worse than a larger quantity of just one beverage.

UNC, I'm just going to leave this here:

I'll always remember this one Anti Flag show where I ended up behind a small group of teenage girls at the front. We chatted in between setups and I showed them a good stance for handling the pressure from the crowd, and told them to try and watch out for crowd suffers and dropped drinks, those being the usual threats

Happens everywhere, every time. People slink their way up front while you stood and waited for the shit opener to finish their 4 hr set cause the headliners are too cool to be on time

When did cutoffs become jorts? Do people even use the term "cutoffs" any more? When is Matlock on again?

I hate it when people do that. I went to go see the Black Lips at some little venue near me and the group of people I went with waited at the front of the stage through all of the opening acts and stood in a square so we wouldn't all hog the front. However, as soon as the Black Lips come on the crowd immediately

thanks for posting this... I'll probably even watch it twice!

I have been saying Lena Headey wrong for 20 years.

I watched that on laundry day! Must better way to pass the time than just folding socks!